Think Tank

Zhang Yuyan, member of the academic department of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and director of the Institute of World Economics and Politics, said that the only way to comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation


Chinese path to modernization is a modernization that follows the path of peaceful development, which is determined by our unique cultural tradition, historical destiny and basic national conditions. The Chinese nation has been a peace-loving nation since ancient times, with the background of civilization of being friendly, friendly and harmonious with all countries; From the perspective of China's actual national conditions, China, as a large developing country, can not achieve modernization without normal international trade and investment despite its rich products and large population. The modernization of taking the path of peaceful development is deeply rooted in the excellent traditional Chinese culture, embodies the advanced nature of scientific socialism, and draws on and absorbs all the achievements of human civilization. Economic globalization has increased the interdependence between different countries and regions. At the same time, it has also increased the cost of non-peaceful means such as war that damage human well-being. It can be said that peaceful development itself has formed a positive cycle. Only in a peaceful international environment can we realize the liberalization and facilitation of talent, trade and finance, promote the effective allocation of resources around the world, promote professional division of labor and production worldwide, maintain the stability of the supply chain of the industrial chain, achieve common economic growth, and benefit the people of all countries in the world. In the face of the international environment with high winds and high waves and the arduous task of domestic reform, development and stability, adhering to the path of peaceful development has always been the only way to comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization. Adhering to the path of peaceful development is not only in the fundamental interests of the Chinese people, but also in line with the common aspiration of all mankind to pursue peaceful development. Adhering to the path of peaceful development, China is fully confident of its ability to create new and greater miracles in the new era and make new and greater contributions to the progress of human civilization and the peaceful development of the world. (Outlook New Era)

Edit:sishi Responsible editor:xingyong


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