
Pay attention to these points, sugar lovers can also enjoy delicious food with peace of mind


On the festive dining table, there is a dazzling array of delicious food that truly makes people salivate. For sugar lovers, there is no "bad" food, but there are "bad" ways to eat. To enjoy festive cuisine, sugar lovers must master the correct way of eating. Main staple food: It is recommended to mix coarse and fine staple foods, with coarse and fine grains accounting for half each. Meat: diabetes patients must have meat in their diet, white meat is better than red meat, fish and shrimp>chicken and duck>lean cattle and sheep>pork, less than 3 liang per day is appropriate. Oil: diabetes patients not only need to eat meat, but also eat oil. 20~25g of oil can be used for cooking every day. Try to choose good oils containing unsaturated fatty acids such as olive oil, camellia oil, peanut oil, rapeseed oil, soybean oil, and nuts. Vegetables and Fruits: It is recommended to consume 500-1000 grams of fresh vegetables and 200-300 grams of colorful fruits per day. Attention: Drinking alcohol can easily affect the normal secretion of insulin and lead to abnormal blood sugar. Therefore, during holidays, try to drink less alcohol. Health tips: Instead of not eating this or that, and feeling hungry every day, it's better to carefully mix and eat a reasonable diet. Only when you're full can you have the energy to control sugar! Of course, blood sugar control requires comprehensive management. In addition to scientific diet, it also requires adherence to medical advice, regular medication, and scientific exercise. (Lai Xin She)

Edit:GuoGuo Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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