
How can various health issues for women be improved? Data research shows that adjusting lifestyle


The pace of modern life is accelerating, and more and more professionals are facing challenges, especially the highly educated female population. Faced with numerous challenges and pressures in work, family, and life, they hope to achieve a healthy, young, and beautiful physical and mental state. On the 7th, the reporter learned that an analysis summarizing the health data of over a hundred highly educated women showed that by adjusting their lifestyle, increasing physical activity, and improving their dietary structure, female friends can achieve healthier physical and mental health, more abundant energy, higher quality of life, and stronger sense of happiness. The study released by the "Love Vitality" Employee Health Promotion Research Institute summarizes the health data of over 100 highly educated women who have been deeply managed by the institute. Their age range is from 40 to 55 years old, and women in this age group will experience various health problems as their estrogen levels decrease. The difficulties vary, mainly including four types of needs: weight loss, muscle shaping, improving sleep, and relieving pain. It is reported that "Love Vitality" is the Vice Chairman of the Shanghai Sports Promotion Health Expert Committee and the Director of the Workplace Branch. Losing fat and weight is the biggest health need for women in the workplace. Ms. Zhang (pseudonym), 55 years old, has excessive weight and body fat, accompanied by hyperlipidemia. She often socializes a lot and attempts to lose weight through various methods have all ended in failure. The intervention she received was: psychological encouragement to improve anxiety, while adjusting her diet - keeping the frequency of socializing unchanged, adding high nutrient density and low energy density foods, consciously adjusting her sense of satisfaction, from overeating to being full and then to being 8% full; Develop exercise habits - precise fat burning aerobic exercise 4 times a week, combined with 2 group strength exercises per week. After intervention, weight loss was 8.2 pounds and body fat decreased by 3.9%. Muscle enhancement and shaping are the desires of women in the workplace. Ms. Wang, a 53 year old corporate executive (pseudonym), has been lacking in exercise and good eating habits for a long time, resulting in severe energy depletion. She wants to exercise but is afraid of the big equipment in the gym. The intervention she received was psychological encouragement - gradually building confidence from the first squat, the first leg lift, and the first slow jog; Make dietary adjustments - pay attention to the total amount, increase protein, water, and vitamins in moderation, and ensure the regularity of food quality and dietary time; Combining multiple physical activities to embrace gradual challenges. After intervention, her muscles increased by 5 pounds and her body fat percentage decreased by 3.7%. Improving sleep is also a demand for many women in the workplace. Ms. Li (pseudonym), who is 45 years old, is a medical worker. She wakes up from 2 a.m. to 3 a.m. every day and can no longer sleep, taking sleeping pills for a long time. The intervention she received was psychological encouragement: believing in scientific prescriptions, strictly following prescriptions, recording changes in feelings after waking up every day, and gradually building confidence; And make dietary adjustments - increase intake of dark green vegetables in three meals, eat a regular diet, balance the combination, and avoid overeating before bedtime; Perform moderate intensity aerobic and muscle endurance training in the sunlight during the day, and stretch and meditate before going to bed at night. After the intervention, Ms. Li's sleep quality significantly improved. She sighed, "I can wake up at night and fall asleep without relying on sleeping pills. I truly realize how happy it is to have a good night's sleep. Relieving pain is also an urgent need for women in the workplace.". 45 year old Ms. Chen (pseudonym), left heel

Edit:GuoGuo Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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