
National Health Commission: Occupational health work currently faces dual challenges


Today, the National Health Commission held a press conference to introduce the situation of "deepening occupational health protection actions and promoting the construction of health enterprises", and answered questions from reporters. At the meeting, Wang Jiandong, Deputy Director of the Occupational Health Department and First level Inspector of the National Health Commission, stated that with the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization, occupational health work is currently facing dual challenges. "The pressure on the prevention and control of traditional occupational diseases such as occupational poisoning, pneumoconiosis, and noise induced deafness is enormous. At the same time, the problems of work-related diseases caused by new occupational hazards such as poor work practices and work stress are becoming increasingly prominent." Wang Jiandong said that as one of the 15 special actions of the "Healthy China" action, the occupational health protection action proposed three expected indicators, including achieving full coverage of the statutory population of work-related injury insurance, At the same time, four advocacy indicators were proposed, including a 90% awareness rate of the main hazards and protection knowledge of key industry workers in their respective positions. Wang Jiandong has put forward requirements from three dimensions: government, employers, and individual workers: from the perspective of the government, we must adhere to the coordinated promotion of multiple departments and fields, with a focus on dust prevention, gas prevention, noise prevention, and radiation prevention, and carry out special treatment of occupational disease hazards. The National Health Commission will comprehensively deploy the special treatment of occupational disease hazards during the 14th Five Year Plan period in 2021, At present, 185000 enterprises across the country have been included in the scope of special governance, of which 71000 enterprises have completed governance. Starting from 2019, occupational disease and hazard factor monitoring has covered all types of occupational diseases, which means that 132 types of occupational diseases in the top ten categories are fully covered, with a coverage rate of 95% in counties and districts. Focusing on small and medium-sized enterprises, a total of 314000 enterprises were monitored. Strengthen the protection of occupational disease patients such as pneumoconiosis, and conduct follow-up investigations on pneumoconiosis patients. 829 pneumoconiosis rehabilitation stations have been built in three batches nationwide, providing over 1.2 million free health rehabilitation services for patients nearby. A preliminary occupational disease diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation system has been established, including provincial and municipal identification, prefecture level diagnosis, county-level physical examinations, and township rehabilitation. From the perspective of employers, they should fulfill their legal responsibilities and obligations related to occupational disease prevention and control in accordance with the law, prioritize the use of new processes, equipment, and materials that are conducive to occupational disease prevention and protection of workers' occupational health, minimize the impact of various harmful factors on workers' health, promote the fulfillment of social responsibilities, actively create healthy enterprises, select occupational health experts, and improve the level of occupational health management, Gradually improve the working conditions of workers. At present, nearly 19000 health enterprises have been established nationwide, and 69000 occupational health experts have been selected. From an individual perspective, workers should have awareness of their own health, as well as the awareness of safeguarding their legitimate health rights and interests in accordance with the law. They should understand the hazardous factors in the workplace, whether a labor contract has been signed, and whether the labor contract informs them of these occupational disease hazards. These are the occupational health rights granted to workers by law. Do companies equip themselves with personal protective equipment to enhance their awareness and ability to protect themselves during the labor process? Is the equipment qualified? Is personal wearing standardized? These are also the rights and obligations of workers. So we need to improve our legal awareness

Edit:GuoGuo Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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