
Just getting on fire and lacking dimensionality? Don't treat gum bleeding as an inappropriate disease


Inadvertently discovering blood in the mouth or spitting out bloodstains when brushing one's teeth in the morning; When biting an apple, I found blood on it... Most people have experienced gum bleeding, but many people turn a blind eye to it and believe that it's not a big deal to get angry and bleed. Eating some vitamin C will help. But is gum bleeding really just a fire? Can supplementing vitamin C stop bleeding? Don't underestimate it! Gum bleeding may also be a signal of other physical diseases. Listen to the dentists at Wuhan Union Medical College Hospital... Why do your gums keep bleeding? Gingival bleeding is the most common symptom of periodontal disease and also the main complaint symptom of periodontal disease patients. Many patients are unaware that gum bleeding, especially when brushing teeth, is an early signal of a disease, and therefore cannot seek timely treatment at the hospital, delaying the early stage of periodontal disease treatment. 1. Plaque and dental calculus. The stimulation of plaque and dental calculus is the main cause of gum bleeding, and the accumulation of plaque and dental calculus causes inflammation of periodontal tissue, leading to gum bleeding. 2. Other stimulating factors and unhealthy lifestyle habits. Trauma, mechanical stimulation of poor repair/filling materials, and habitual open mouth breathing can also cause local periodontal tissue inflammation. 3. Endocrine changes. Periodontal tissue is the target organ for sex hormones, especially estrogen. During pregnancy and lactation in women, significant changes in estrogen levels often exacerbate periodontal tissue inflammation, leading to gingival bleeding and even gingival hyperplasia. Teenagers may develop adolescent gingivitis due to endocrine changes, poor oral hygiene maintenance, and irregular sleep patterns. 4. Systemic diseases. Systemic diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, blood system diseases, liver and kidney dysfunction, lead to the decline of periodontal tissue resistance to local stimuli and induce periodontal tissue inflammation. 5. Medication administration. Common drugs include anticoagulants such as warfarin, aspirin, heparin, and clopidogrel bisulfate tablets, which are commonly used in patients with a history of thrombosis, myocardial infarction, and after cardiac stenting. Other reasons, such as smoking, high mental stress, and disordered routines, can also induce gum bleeding. Gum bleeding or a risk factor for systemic diseases! Periodontitis (gingival bleeding) is mainly a chronic inflammation of periodontal support tissue caused by local factors, initially manifested as redness, swelling, and bleeding of the gums. If gingivitis is not treated in a timely manner, the inflammation can spread from the gums to the periodontal membrane and alveolar bone, and develop into periodontitis. At this point, relying solely on brushing teeth or taking oral anti-inflammatory drugs can no longer eliminate the cause, and most patients at this stage are obsessed with "anti-inflammatory", losing the best opportunity for intervention and treatment of gingivitis. Gingivitis continues to progress, from quantitative to qualitative, producing periodontal pockets, alveolar bone resorption, tooth loosening, and ultimately leading to tooth loss. After teeth fall off, the absorption of alveolar bone will also increase the difficulty of later restoration. Without a good tooth, would you still eat it? The harm of periodontitis to physical health is very hidden and a cumulative process that should be taken seriously. Numerous studies have shown that periodontitis can cause systemic inflammation and immune response through microorganisms and their products in the subgingival plaque biofilm, which may become a risk factor for some systemic diseases. It has been confirmed that periodontitis can accelerate cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

Edit:qihang Responsible editor:xinglan


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