
World Walking Day: Walking is the best exercise, so walking is the fitness


September 29 is World Walk Day. Walking is regarded as "the best sport in the world", which is easy to operate and has good physical fitness effect. "Walking is an aerobic exercise." Wu Dandong, deputy chief physician of the Rehabilitation Medicine Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, said in an interview with Renmin. com that fast walking can produce muscle and cardiovascular adaptation, thus improving the overall endurance exercise ability, cardiac contractility, and cardiorespiratory function. At the same time, walking can reduce fat. Studies have shown that adults who walk for 30 minutes every day can increase their calorie consumption by 30%, and walk for one kilometer every day can reduce about 0.3 kg of fat every month. It is very useful for people who need to lose weight and keep fit. Walking can also improve the metabolism of the body and reduce the possibility of diabetes and hyperlipidemia. In addition, walking every day can improve sleep and relieve mood. Wu Dandong said that walking with a certain intensity can play a role in fitness. If the exercise frequency is too low, the effect of improving cardiopulmonary endurance will be weakened. It is suggested that regular walking training should be carried out 3 to 5 days a week, each time lasting 30 to 60 minutes, with a cumulative duration of about 150 minutes per week. During walking, you can speed up your pace to increase the intensity of exercise. Although walking has many health benefits, wrong methods will only get twice the result with half the effort, or even damage the body. Wu Dandong suggested that, first of all, the amount of exercise for walking should be moderate and follow the principle of gradual progress. Excessive walking will lead to persistent fatigue, wear of articular cartilage, and may also cause persistent joint pain or other discomfort after exercise. Secondly, to achieve long-term exercise effect, walking and fitness need to be persistent. When walking for fitness, you can walk together to enhance fun and easy to adhere to. In addition, in order to reduce joint load, walking up and down the slope should be avoided, and walking on the flat ground should be as far as possible. If there is pain in joints or other parts after walking, stop training and see a doctor as soon as possible to avoid secondary injury. (Outlook New Times)

Edit:qihang Responsible editor:xinglan

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