
How much electrolyte does exercise require?


Spring is warm and flowers are blooming. Some people are already sweating profusely, preparing to welcome the arrival of summer with chocolate abs and vest lines. In recent years, abnormal high temperatures and sports trends such as marathons have fueled the popularity of energy and electrolyte replenishing beverages. However, when faced with a variety of products and advertisements, how should people make rational choices? Which sports require additional electrolyte supplementation? If the human body is compared to a machine, when the output power reaches 40% -60% of full load or the heart rate reaches 140-160 per minute, it is considered as a moderate intensity exercise, and exceeding this is considered high-intensity exercise. Moderate high-intensity exercise can effectively improve cardiovascular function and contribute to bone and muscle health. According to the Chinese Physical Activity Guidelines (2021), children and adolescents aged 6-17 should engage in at least 60 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity per day, while adults aged 18-64 should engage in 150-300 minutes of moderate intensity or 75-150 minutes of high-intensity or equivalent combination exercise per week. Equivalent to 5 moderate intensity exercises per week, each lasting 1 hour, such as jogging (6-8 kilometers per hour), cycling (12-16 kilometers per hour), hiking, climbing stairs, swimming, etc. Medium to high-intensity exercise has a fast sweating speed. If it lasts for a long time (such as 1 hour or more), or if the exercise environment is hot and humid, dehydration and electrolyte imbalance are prone to occur. In high-intensity sports such as long-distance running, football, and basketball, cramps and even sudden death are all related to this. When engaging in these sports, in addition to replenishing fluids, it is also necessary to supplement electrolytes in moderation. In addition, many studies have shown that supplementing water and electrolytes in moderation before, during, and after exercise can help improve exercise performance and accelerate the body's recovery speed after exercise. How much electrolyte is appropriate to supplement? There is actually no accurate answer to the question of losing about 500 milligrams of electrolyte per liter of sweat. On the one hand, there are many factors that affect sweating, including gender, weight, temperature and humidity, type of exercise, etc. For example, the amount of sweat produced at different temperatures can differ by three times. There are many studies on sweating during exercise both domestically and internationally. The mainstream view is that at temperatures around 15-30 degrees Celsius, one hour of moderate to high-intensity exercise results in an average sweating volume of about 1 liter. On the other hand, the amount of electrolyte loss is not only related to sweating volume, but also to electrolyte concentration. For example, some people are born with saltier sweats, and individual differences in sodium content in sweat can even reach 10 times. As a result, some top athletes need to tailor their fluid replacement plans to achieve the best results. Ordinary people may not exercise as hard as athletes, and there is no need to pursue the ultimate output of "one thousandth of a second" or force precise supplementation. If calculated based on a lower concentration of sweat electrolytes, approximately 500 milligrams of electrolytes are lost in 1 liter of sweat, which can serve as a rough reference for regular exercise fluid replacement. It doesn't matter if the supplement is not accurate. The human body itself is a huge electrolyte buffer pool, and maintaining a stable internal environment is its basic function. A little more or less electrolyte will not have any impact and can meet the needs of daily exercise. What else should I pay attention to besides water and electrolytes? Don't forget that glucose, in addition to water and electrolytes, can transport

Edit:GuoGuo Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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