
The end of the joint maritime exercise phase of the China Iran Russia "Security Tie-2024" joint exercise


At around 17:00 local time on the 13th, as the participating vessels of the China Iran Russia Navy docked at Chabahar Port in Iran, the maritime exercise phase of the "Security Tie-2024" joint exercise was successfully concluded. The joint sea exercise phase of this joint exercise was conducted near the Gulf of Oman from March 12th to 13th, mainly focusing on courses such as sea shooting and the use of force to rescue hijacked merchant ships. On the morning of the 12th, the participating ships of the Chinese, Iranian, and Russian navies sailed successively to the designated sea area for joint exercises. At around noon, the first exercise of shooting at sea was conducted, with the Chinese side taking on the command of the exercise. After the target placement of the Iraqi ships, the three ships formed a single column and fired in sequence. That evening, participating ships also conducted exercises such as nighttime sea shooting and light communication exercises. On the morning of the 13th, as the urgent battle alarm sounded, the three ships were mixed up into two task teams and quickly rushed out to rescue the two "merchant ships" played by the Iranian ships. Under the command of the Chinese ship Urumqi, Task Force 1, consisting of six ships from both China and Iran, swiftly occupied advantageous positions and comprehensively utilized carrier based reconnaissance equipment to conduct reconnaissance and evidence collection on the "hijacked merchant ship", identifying the distribution, activity patterns, and possible firepower points of the "pirates". Subsequently, the Zhongyi small boat approached the stern side of the hijacked merchant ship in a concealed manner, preparing to board and rescue. At the same time, the Urumqi ship continued to issue warnings to targets through extravehicular amplifiers and very high frequency international channels. Subsequently, special operations personnel from both sides used ladders to secretly board the "hijacked merchant ship", quickly subdued the "pirates" on the deck, controlled the cockpit, seized the high ground, and launched cabin search and hostage rescue operations. During this period, the ships responsible for surveillance tasks continuously adjusted their positions to ensure that the deck firepower group provided strong support and coverage for special operations personnel. With the cooperation of sea and air forces, special operations team members safely rescued the hostages. "The Chinese Navy officers and soldiers have excellent capabilities, and we look forward to more opportunities to communicate with them." After the maritime joint exercise, the Iranian observer highly praised the performance of the Chinese Navy participating officers and soldiers. (Lai Xin She)

Edit:Luo yu Responsible editor:Zhou shu

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