
To see the world in the market


Shi, as interpreted in the "Shuowen Jiezi Zhu" as "the place of buying and selling.". Thousands of department stores, farmers' markets, supermarkets, and convenience stores are places where people interact and buy, carrying the daily necessities of billions of families and the warm memories of generations. The market has become a window for observing economic vitality. At present, China's economic recovery is still facing many difficulties and challenges. In the market, whether the popularity is strong, whether various business entities are doing well, whether logistics are smooth, and whether prices are high or low have all become entry points for external insights into the operation of the Chinese economy. The rapidly developing online shopping e-commerce is also changing the "market" of China's economy. People enjoy fresh and convenient delivery with just a few fingers. The delivery guy shuttling through the streets and alleys has become an indispensable scenery in the city. China has become the world's largest online retail market for 11 consecutive years, with over a quarter of its approximately 47 trillion yuan social retail total coming from physical goods traded online. The rising platform economy has become an active force in the market economy. When shopping malls and supermarkets are no longer necessary options for shopping, will the traditional "market" wither in the face of impact, or will it usher in a new life in innovation? At the end of the year and beginning of the year, we conducted market research and conducted in-depth interviews with multiple shopping malls, supermarkets, and shopping centers across the country. These places that we take for granted in life have truly exposed us to the world. Dong'an Market, over 120 years old, has transformed into a global trendy brand buying store after renovation, challenging the forefront of fashion; Hanzheng Street, with a history of over 500 years, is transforming from a "second entrepreneurship" to selling design, brands, and services; The popular Phalaenopsis orchid in Hema before the Spring Festival comes from a planting base in the hinterland of the Kubuqi Desert in Inner Mongolia; The coffee shop has opened in the countryside, becoming a place for tourists to stop in the green mountains and clear waters; And multinational companies such as Sam's and Starbucks have also turned their attention to China's vast counties and third - and fourth tier cities... The increasingly prosperous dining table vividly illustrates "using global supply chains to create the Chinese market"; What supports the rise of domestic "trendy products" is the Chinese manufacturing industry, which has taken new steps one after another; When community canteens enter shopping malls, shopping centers transform into children's playgrounds, and artworks shift from niche to mass, it is a shift from a business model to a people-centered approach, with each vertical subdivision nurturing a surging market blue ocean. If we don't delve deeper, it's hard to imagine that today's physical commerce is undergoing earth shattering changes. The changes in the market reflect the changes of the times. My parents often say that in the past, when buying things with tickets, department stores would always cause a frenzy of buying high-end goods. Now, they have also become an important customer group for online shopping and ride hailing. In the past, it was common to travel abroad by plane, but now the bustling "Erbin" in the icy and snowy world has caused foreign netizens to spontaneously open live broadcasts; In the past, using foreign brand phones was considered fashionable, but now it is difficult to find a domestic phone; Previously, only by going abroad could one buy good things, but now they buy globally without leaving their homes; In the past, there was a booming market for imported films, but now domestic films account for over 80% of the nearly 55 billion yuan box office this year... Since the reform and opening up, China has nurtured a globally renowned large market and explored a vibrant socialist market economy system. From material scarcity to abundance, from buying goods to buying services,

Edit:Li Ling Responsible editor:Chen Jie


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