
The development of big models with fire prompts for new professions of engineers


Artificial Intelligence (AI) Hint Word Engineer is a new profession that has been fueled by large models in the rapid development of AI technology. It is understood that currently on major recruitment platforms in China, the monthly salary for related positions is not cheap. So, what are the characteristics of new professions that arise from the development of large models, and what skills do practitioners need to possess? Will there be a long-term demand for such new professions within the industry? With the further development of large models, what are their development prospects? This year, Robin Lee, the founder of Baidu, said on the Zhongguancun Forum that 50% of the world's work in the next 10 years would involve "word prompting project". Prompt word engineering refers to using simple commands or instructions to enable robots to complete certain tasks. And it is the AI prompt word engineer who issues these instructions. "The emergence of prompt word engineers is closely related to the development and popularization of generative AI in recent years. Behind this change is the enhancement of computing power and the rapid development of deep learning theory. It is increasingly changing many industries, such as painters, customer service, translators, programmers, and so on." Recently, Tan Mingzhou, Minister of the Artificial Intelligence Division of Yuanwang Think Tank and Chief Strategy Officer of Turing Robotics, said in an interview with Science and Technology Daily. Some people say that if the AI model is a new type of computer, then the prompt word engineer is the programmer who programs it. However, unlike typical computer programs, when we expect AI to complete tasks with ambiguity such as "writing an article" or "drawing a beautiful picture," we inevitably face a problem: due to the presence of implicit and background information, it is difficult to say that AI can correctly understand them all at once. This issue is the AI value alignment problem. "The function of prompt words is to describe vague problems clearly and accurately in language, in order to control the results generated by AI. The work of prompt word engineers is essentially a process of communicating and aligning requirements with AI." Chen Shaohong, founder of Shenhu Open Source Community, pointed out. AI prompt word engineers need skills in interacting with models. Chen Shaohong further explained that the main job of prompt word engineers is to train AI through continuous dialogue, so that it can accurately understand the user's intentions and needs, and output the answer that the user most wants. For example, in the field of art, AI models can be guided to generate different types of artworks and design works by entering keywords and descriptions; In the medical field, the accuracy of diagnosis and treatment can be increased by providing a large amount of medical data and case information for AI models. Tan Mingzhou said that with the widespread application of AI technology in various fields, the AI field increasingly requires prompt word engineers with solid skills and rich experience to build, train, and optimize models to ensure accuracy and stability. In the future, prompt word engineers may become more popular. Industry insiders say that enhancing prompt ability to meet specific needs actually brings together the comprehensive skills of designers, copywriters, and programmers. Prompt word engineers need to continue learning in order to have a deep understanding of the industry and provide comprehensive prompt word instructions for AI big models to ensure

Edit:Hu Sen Ming Responsible editor:Li Xi


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