
In late spring and early summer, photosensitive vegetables and fruits are in season


In late spring and early summer, the sunlight is mild and comfortable, but this is the high incidence period of solar dermatitis. Dr. Zhang Junling, Chief Physician of the Dermatology Department of Tianjin Zhongyan Affiliated Hospital, reminds citizens that in addition to strong sunlight in late spring and early summer, there are also many seasonal vegetables and fruits such as coriander, spinach, mango, pineapple, etc. that are "photosensitive foods". Therefore, people who have experienced photosensitivity in the past should be careful to consume them to avoid further "solar dermatitis". Ordinary people should pay attention to sun protection when going out, especially when going to places such as the seaside, lakeside, and sandbox. Ultraviolet rays are even more intense, so it is necessary to apply sunscreen. If there is local discomfort after exposure to the sun, appropriate cold compress treatment can be used. If there is no obvious relief, seek medical attention in a timely manner. Zhang Junling said that solar dermatitis, also known as photolinear skin disease, is a series of skin lesions caused by ultraviolet radiation. Skin lesions are mainly distributed in the exposed area, which can have a significant negative impact on the patient's image and life. In recent years, environmental pollution and ozone layer destruction have occurred; With the development of tourism, people are exposed to the outdoors for longer, and the incidence rate of photosensitive skin diseases is increasing. There are also some foods and medications that can increase the risk of sunburn and sunburn, such as mud snail, gray cabbage, purple vetch, black fungus, snow cabbage, lettuce, fennel, amaranth, shepherd's purse, celery, radish leaves, spinach, buckwheat, coriander, safflower, rapeseed, mustard, fig, citrus, lemon, mango, pineapple, etc. It is best for patients with solar dermatitis to reduce consumption. Zhang Junling suggests that patients with solar dermatitis should avoid exposure to sunlight as much as possible. From 11am to 3pm, when the ultraviolet rays are strongest, it is recommended to avoid going out and walk in a cool place. It is recommended to wear long sleeved clothing, pants, and long skirts, preferably made of cotton and linen. Install UV protective film on the windows of living rooms and car windshields. Patients who are sensitive to visible light are advised to wear dark colored clothing. Patients with severe photosensitivity may experience side effects such as vitamin D imbalance due to strict avoidance of light. Therefore, calcium and vitamin D should be supplemented daily. (Outlook New Era Network)

Edit:qihang Responsible editor:xinglan

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