
Today's Xiaoman: Pay attention to diet and avoid "overeating"


Today, we welcome the second solar term of summer - Xiaoman. Han Juan, the chief physician of Baokang Hospital affiliated with Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said in an interview that during the Xiaoman season, there is abundant rainfall, stuffiness, and dampness. Health preservation should focus on preventing the harm of dampness and heat. Han Juan said that in terms of diet, light and stimulating foods such as greasy and spicy should be avoided, especially foods that are fat, sweet, greasy, and prone to phlegm and dampness. It is recommended to drink plenty of plain water and eat foods that have the effect of clearing dampness and heat, such as bitter cabbage, red beans, winter melon, tomatoes, duck meat, etc. Han Juan pointed out that bitter cabbage contains nutrients such as protein, fat, carbohydrates, as well as various inorganic salts and vitamins, which can clear heat, cool blood, detoxify, and have good preventive and therapeutic effects on boils, vomiting blood, nosebleeds, constipation, colds, etc. But not all people are suitable for "suffering", and people with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold should be cautious when eating bitter vegetables. "In addition to a light diet, you can also drink more Congee and soup. Soup Congee is nutritious and easy to digest, which is very suitable for eating in summer." Han Juan said that you can drink more mung bean Congee, lotus leaf Congee, red bean Congee, etc. at ordinary times to regulate the spleen and stomach and facilitate the excretion of damp and heat in the body. Han Juan reminds that after entering summer, people's physical exertion is high, and their food intake increases, which can easily lead to food accumulation. Therefore, during the period of small fullness, special attention should be paid to making the spleen and stomach "small fullness", that is, 70% full, and not "overeating". Once abdominal fullness and food accumulation occur, you can choose a dual-purpose product with the effect of digestion and accumulation, such as hawthorn, which can dissolve food accumulation, promote qi circulation and blood stasis, and reduce turbidity and fat, especially beneficial for eliminating meat stagnation. (Lai Xin She)

Edit:GuoGuo Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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