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Continuously consolidating the effectiveness of rural living environment improvement


During this year's National People's Congress and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, many representatives and members paid attention to the issue of rural living environment improvement. In recent years, various parts of the country have focused on the four major areas of rural toilet revolution, domestic sewage treatment, domestic waste treatment, and village appearance improvement, carried out rural living environment improvement actions, accelerated the filling of shortcomings and weaknesses, and achieved a leap in the quality of rural living environment. According to statistics from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, in 2023, the popularization rate of rural sanitary toilets in China exceeded 73%, the treatment (control) rate of rural domestic sewage reached over 40%, the proportion of administrative villages receiving collection and treatment of household waste remained above 90%, and more than 95% of villages nationwide carried out cleaning actions. The appearance of villages has significantly improved, fundamentally reversing the long-standing dirty and disorderly situation in rural areas and greatly improving the quality of life of rural residents. By further strengthening this work on the existing basis, the people will inevitably feel a stronger sense of happiness and more sense of gain. Improving the living environment in rural areas is a key task in implementing the rural revitalization strategy and an important practical path to meet the aspirations of rural residents for a better life. It directly affects the fundamental well-being and physical health of rural residents. According to the Five Year Action Plan for Rural Living Environment Improvement and Enhancement (2021-2025) issued by the General Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council, by 2025, the rural living environment will significantly improve, and new progress will be made in the construction of ecologically livable and beautiful countryside. To achieve this goal and promote the upgrading of village environment from clean and tidy to beautiful and livable, it is necessary to continue to steadily and orderly promote the improvement of rural living environment, consolidate and expand the achievements of rural living environment improvement actions, enhance the sustainability of the improvement effect, and provide strong support for comprehensively promoting rural revitalization and building a beautiful China. A sound legal system is an important guarantee for the governance of rural living environment. For a long time, the environmental protection laws and regulations implemented in China have mainly focused on preventing and controlling urban and industrial pollution, and there is a lack of systematic and targeted legal basis in the field of rural living environment improvement. To effectively improve the efficiency of rural living environment improvement and consolidate the effectiveness of governance, local governments must base themselves on the actual situation of the region, promote the legislation of rural living environment, and accelerate the establishment of local laws, regulations, and normative documents with strong operability, pertinence, and easy promotion for key tasks such as rural toilet manure treatment, garbage treatment, and rural sewage treatment, Truly clarifying the basic requirements, government responsibilities, and village obligations for rural living environment governance from a legal perspective, clarifying the boundaries of rights and responsibilities of all participating parties, improving governance supervision mechanisms and reward and punishment mechanisms, and accelerating the construction of a complete legal and regulatory system for rural living environment governance. Improve the mechanism for collaborative participation of multiple stakeholders. The vast majority of farmers are important participants, builders, and direct beneficiaries of rural living environment governance. The most crucial aspect of improving rural living environment is to increase the participation of farmers. Strengthen publicity and education through various forms such as environmental protection education, health and hygiene knowledge promotion, and science popularization training, enhance the health awareness of farmers, and mobilize their enthusiasm and initiative to participate in the management and protection of the living environment. Grassroots governments and village committees, as organizers and leaders of rural living environment management actions, should fully play the core role of grassroots party organizations and guide and lead farmers

Edit:GuoGuo Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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