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How to protect the safety and health rights of performers floating in scenic areas?


The employment forms of performers in scenic areas are flexible, and there are some dangerous projects in the performance activities. Can unexpected situations encountered by performers during the performance be classified as work-related injuries? How to safeguard the safety and health rights of performers? The interviewed scholars suggest that employers should provide legal protection for their employees, performers should strictly abide by safety regulations and operating procedures, and relevant departments should also strengthen supervision of commercial performance companies. Taking a big sip of kerosene and blowing a breath into the torch in his hand, a flame several meters high suddenly rose in the air, causing tourists to cheer and shout... In a scenic area in Kaifeng, Henan, Lao Sun's job was to perform a flamethrower performance. My 51 year old grandson comes from a rural area in Caoxian, Shandong and has been performing in the scenic area for over 20 years. Behind each spectacular performance, there are actually unspeakable health risks. Lao Sun told reporters that the kerosene contained in the mouth can enter the digestive tract if not paid attention to, and the sprayed flame has a higher temperature. It is a common occurrence for the mouth and mouth to be scalded and peeled off. The reporter learned from the interview that due to the diversity of performance forms and demands in scenic areas, the employment forms of performers are relatively flexible, and there are also some dangerous projects in performance activities. In this situation, it is worth paying attention to whether unexpected situations encountered by performers can be recognized as work-related injuries, and how the safety and health rights of performers can be protected. Every year, Lao Sun drinks a thousand kilograms of kerosene and performs 6-7 times a day. During this year's Spring Festival holiday, the scenic area has a large flow of visitors, so he performs 10 times a day. On average, he drinks and sprays about 5 kilograms of kerosene every day. It is reported that the kerosene used in Lao Sun's performance belongs to aviation kerosene, and if misused, it can cause damage to the human body. Wu Na, Deputy Chief Physician of the Department of Occupational Diseases at Beijing Chaoyang Hospital affiliated with Capital Medical University, said that kerosene used for spraying fire may contain heavy metals. If ingested through the digestive tract for a long time, it may cause lead poisoning, anemia, abdominal cramps, and so on. Long term inhalation of smoke generated during the process of spraying fire may cause damage to lung function. Every year, he drinks a thousand kilograms of kerosene, which often makes Old Sun worried about excessive toxic substances remaining in his body. Therefore, he goes to the hospital for gastric lavage once or twice a year. Some tourists suggest using alcohol or flammable liquids of food grade instead. "Alcohol has a risk of deflagration, and the flames sprayed with alcohol are blue, not as big, smoky, and more impactful as kerosene flames." Lao Sun is still searching for a liquid that can replace kerosene. Mr. Guo, who also performs in various scenic spots year-round, is from Wuqiao, Hebei. He has been engaged in acrobatic high-altitude performances for more than 30 years and is skilled in various acrobatic projects such as high-altitude silk hanging, high chair handstand, somersaults, swinging pipes, and handicrafts. "Acrobats earn hard money, and many people suffer from wrist pain while practicing handstands for a long time. Actors who practice soft skills also suffer from lower back pain. In their daily performances, they often twist their feet while doing somersaults, and when the weather is cold and their bodies are not moving during performances, they are prone to jumping their legs. As actors get older, their bodies are not as agile as before and they are more prone to injury." Mr. Guo said that last year, another acrobat fell and died during high-altitude performances. As he gets older, in order to reduce the occurrence of accidents, he tries to avoid playing when he can't perform. Although there are various forms of employment and difficulty in identifying occupational diseases, they have been performing in scenic areas for more than 20 years,

Edit:GuoGuo Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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