
The railway is the string, playing the history of the frontier's ups and downs


The railway serves as a string, playing the Zheng Shuyan Night Whistle in the history of the borderlands. Without reaching the border, there will be no poetry. The remote border of Yunnan, with its mountains and waters, boasts picturesque scenery that is layered like a screen; The scenery is shrouded in clouds and mist, with a faint sound and a moist rain. However, the poetry scattered on the red soil plateau is not only about expressing emotions and depicting scenery. For many years, especially in modern history, territories and homes, dignity and hardships, guarding and honing... have condensed into profound and sighing memories, making the heavy history linger for a long time, stirring and desolate echoes. Until the establishment of the People's Republic of China, the five-star red flag fluttered high in the border areas, with decades of overlapping time and space. Spring breeze and rain transformed, mountains and rivers underwent tremendous changes, and beauty and prosperity redefined this land. Everywhere, new scenery and new customs intertwined, creating the most dazzling and beautiful China, singing the most beautiful songs of colorful clouds and flying... A soldier from a certain army brigade of the Southern Theater Command looked at the border line. Starting from the "monster" of Yunnan Railway, when it comes to Yunnan, various versions of the "Yunnan 18 Monsters" are indispensable. There is a "monster" called "trains cannot connect domestic and international". This is a passage of vicissitudes from over a hundred years ago, and the memories that have been sealed in the cracks of history are still indescribable. The construction of railways in Yunnan surprisingly preceded that of highways. In 1910, when there was not yet an inch of road in the province, a railway of about 466 kilometers was opened in Yunnan. Almost at the same time, another railway "dashed line" crossing the Hengduan Mountains was neither broken nor marked on Chinese maps, but it appeared on British maps. All history is traceable. Opening the border map reveals that both railways cross the Yunnan border and lead to the sea ports of two Southeast Asian countries, which have long been colonies of Britain and France. Modern China suffered greatly, and after the First Sino Japanese War, groups of "explorers", "travelers", and "merchants" from various powers and countries flooded into Yunnan. The abundant products and resources of the border areas became their coveted targets. Firstly, the French forced the Qing government to agree to their privilege of building railways; Then the British used the excuse of "average power" to intimidate and lure at the negotiation table; Following closely, Germany and the United States made demands for "investment", which they called "assistance in construction"... No matter how they talked about it, they all tried their best: if they did not agree, they would send ships to redo the matter. Before the negotiations, they had already begun to survey the border areas of western and southern Yunnan without restraint. They have tens of personnel and nearly a hundred horses, and wherever they go, mineral resources, geological rivers, forest distribution, economic conditions, etc. are all part of their exploration, and they draw plane and longitudinal maps of the route. In theory, railways are a symbol of modern industrial civilization, and Sun Yat sen referred to them as the "mother of civilization and source of wealth.". Mr. Sun Yat sen had a clear idea for the railway plan to cross Yunnan and directly reach the coastal seaports of Southeast Asia in his "National Strategy". But on the day when the railway was opened, the local people were not overjoyed. On April 1, 1910, a French steam locomotive roared into Kunming. Not only are the local people shocked by this "steel monster", but they are also connected to those who have received new knowledge education and "

Edit:Luo yu Responsible editor:Zhou shu

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