
The August 1st Flight Performance Team is equipped with the J-10C, which reflects the faster equipment update acceleration of the Chinese Air Force


Colonel Xie Peng, spokesperson for the Chinese Air Force, announced on the 16th that in accordance with the Air Force's equipment construction and development plan, the Air Force's August 1st Flight Performance Team will be equipped with J-10C fighter jets, marking the 7th replacement of the performance team since its establishment. The August 1st Flight Performance Team will participate in the 16th Lancaway International Maritime and Air Show, which will be held from May 23rd to 27th, and it is also the first flight abroad after this facelift. Experts interviewed by the Global Times believe that the J-10C train mounted Bayi Flight Performance Team reflects the faster acceleration of equipment upgrades in the Chinese Air Force. The August 1st Flight Performance Team, as a flying business card, conveys the good wishes of guarding peace and open communication, and demonstrates the soft power of the People's Air Force. The J-10C performance aircraft, which continues the classic painting before, has entered the ranks of the "third and a half generation". This time, the J-10C, which was replaced by the August 1st flight performance team, has attracted widespread attention. It is the third-generation improved supersonic multi-purpose fighter independently developed by China. Military expert Zhang Xuefeng told Global Times reporters that compared to the early J-10 models, the J-10C adopts a clam type inlet, and the nose shape has also been improved, further optimizing the overall aerodynamic layout. The clam type intake duct has the advantages of simple structure, light weight, good stealth performance, and high total pressure recovery ratio. In addition, the J-10C airborne radar and other avionics systems have been upgraded, adding an infrared tracking and aiming system, making its comprehensive combat performance significantly improved compared to the J-10A, which can be said to be half a generation advanced. The J-10C began taking on combat duty tasks on April 16, 2018, marking the further improvement of the Air Force's offensive and defensive combat system and the further enhancement of its ability to effectively fulfill mission tasks. From April 16, 2018 to May 16, 2023, the official announcement of the August 1 Flight Performance Team equipped with the J-10C lasted for only 5 years and 1 month. The August 1st Flight Performance Team first used the J-10A for public flight performances in 2009, and it has only been 14 years since it was updated, reflecting the faster acceleration of equipment updates in the Chinese Air Force. Zhang Xuefeng believes that the J-10A performance aircraft has allowed the Bayi Flight Performance Team to enter one of the few performance teams in the world that uses third-generation fighter jets as performance aircraft. Nowadays, the J-10C train is equipped with the Bayi Flight Performance Team, making China the third country to use third-generation and half fighter jets (foreign standards are the fourth and half generation) as performance aircraft after Russia and the United States. This also indirectly reflects the rapid progress in the construction of air force equipment. When we first equipped the third generation aircraft, advanced fighter jets could only be equipped with elite troops. Now, the J-20 has been installed in the 'East West North South Middle', and the third and a half generation aircraft has become popular, reflecting the huge progress in the construction of the People's Air Force's equipment. "The J-10C highlight, the J-10C painting of the Bayi Flight Performance Team, generally continues the previous painting plan, with sapphire blue as the main color, paired with white, gray, and red patterns, It embodies the spirit of the Chinese Air Force's "shining sword" in winning the sky and defending national interests. There are also differences in appearance between the J-10C equipped with the Bayi Flight Performance Team and the J-10C equipped with combat troops, with an important improvement being the increase in dorsal fins. Zhang Xuefeng stated that this large-scale

Edit:qihang Responsible editor:xinglan

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