
41.76 square meters, our "home" is more comfortable


Recently, the National Bureau of statistics released the "China census yearbook - 2020", which further disclosed the detailed data of the seventh national census. Among them, the data on living conditions has attracted wide attention. According to the data, by 2020, the per capita living area of Chinese households will reach 41.76 square meters, the average number of rooms per household will be 3.2, and the average living area per household will reach 111.18 square meters. This data covers urban and rural areas, of which the per capita living area of urban households is 36.52 square meters. At the end of 2020, the 29 year old Chen Wei bought a house with an area of more than 90 square meters in Shanghai, which was used as the wedding room for the young couple. More than 30 years ago, when Chen Wei's parents first got married, they were crowded with Chen Wei's grandparents in a one room one hall house. In 1995, Chen Wei's father bought a welfare house of more than 60 square meters. Chen Wei and his parents finally had an independent house. The changes in the housing environment of the Chen Wei family for three generations reflect the changes in the living conditions of the Chinese people. In 1990, the per capita living area of Chinese urban residents was 7.1 square meters, and in 2020, it has reached 41.76 square meters. The per capita living area of households in China has increased nearly six times over the past 30 years. How did these changes happen? It is reported that the significant increase in per capita housing area can be traced back to the housing system reform in the late 1990s. In 1998, the State Council issued the notice on further deepening the reform of the urban housing system and accelerating housing construction, which proposed "gradually implementing the monetization of housing distribution" and required the establishment and improvement of a housing supply system based on affordable housing. "China's housing system reform has greatly mobilized the enthusiasm of both the supply and demand sides of the property market." Zhao Xiuchi, researcher of the Institute of economic and social studies of mega cities of the Capital University of economics and trade, told the reporter. At the same time, the establishment and improvement of the three-level housing funds of individuals, units and cities, the housing accumulation fund system, and the introduction of housing subsidies in the wage structure have also laid a foundation for the commercialization of housing. With the continuous improvement of residents' income level, people's demand for housing continues to rise. Chen Wei told the reporter: "the main demand of my grandparents' generation is that the family has a place to live. When my parents buy a house, they will consider buying a larger house within their ability to improve the comfort of the house. When I buy a house myself, I will also consider many factors such as the community environment, property management and location." According to the data released by the National Bureau of statistics, in 2020, the sales area of commercial housing nationwide exceeded 1.7 billion square meters, an increase of 2.6% over the previous year. "The larger the per capita housing area, the more spacious the residents' housing, which means that people's housing level is higher." Zhao Xiuchi said. According to the Research Report on quantitative indicators of "living and living" of urban family residents issued by China urban planning and Design Institute and China Architectural Design Institute Co., Ltd., the per capita housing area of urban family residents in China is divided into the bottom line standard (13 square meters), the improvement standard (20-30 square meters) and the comfort standard (30-40 square meters). From 7.1 square meters to 41.76 square meters, people's living environment is becoming more and more comfortable, and they are steadily moving towards "comfortable living". From

Edit:He Chuanning Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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