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The World Significance of Chinese path to modernization: Creating a New Form of Human Civilization


In today's era, there is a great change that has not been seen in a century. A new situation has emerged that has not been seen since the end of World War II, especially since the post Cold War era. The previously relatively stable, balanced, and highly deterministic ordered world is facing the danger of being replaced by an unstable, unbalanced, and uncertain disorderly world. The direction of human society has become a question of the times and the world before the world. There are many reasons that lead to this situation, but the main reason is the overall decline of the Western trend, which makes it difficult to bring new vitality and vitality to the world that has undergone tremendous changes, unable to lead developing countries towards modernization, and ignoring the growing reality of developing countries, including China, unwilling and lacking the ability to accept the challenges of emerging forces and new civilizations; The shortcomings of the Western modernization model and theory, which the West takes pride in and vigorously promotes on a global scale, are becoming increasingly prominent, making it difficult to propose new solutions and measures to solve the problems of the current era. "There is metabolism in this world, and it has evolved from ancient to modern times." Since the reform and opening up, especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the CPC has led the Chinese people to adhere to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, successfully promoted and expanded Chinese path to modernization, which is different from the western modernization model, injected new impetus into the development of the world, and displayed a new vision. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China gives a new interpretation of Chinese path to modernization from a new perspective, which provides a theoretical basis for why Chinese path to modernization has become a new form of human civilization, and provides a Chinese solution to the problems of the times and the world. After a century of humiliation and arduous exploration since the Opium War in 1840, the awakening of the subject consciousness of the Chinese nation has gradually awakened under the leadership of the CPC. The Chinese people have deeply realized that China's problems must start from China's basic national conditions and be answered by the Chinese themselves. They have returned to the extension line of their own history with a new spirit and truly become the masters of their own destiny. Starting from the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in 1978, under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping, the chief designer of reform and opening up, China overcame numerous obstacles in the economy, crossed the river by feeling the stones, and adopted a market economy system that was in line with China's national conditions, conducive to liberating and developing productive forces. Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and China has ushered in a historic leap from standing up, becoming prosperous to becoming strong. One of its important signs is the beginning to fully grasp the power of discourse in its own hands. Under the historical background of great changes not seen in a century, under the guidance of Marxism, with a deep and stable foundation of civilization as a solid foundation, we began to build a theoretical system of Chinese path to modernization with China's position as the starting point, and more scientifically put a country with 5000 years of history and culture in its proper position; Starting to express oneself in Chinese language, measuring right and wrong, enriching the diversity and diversity of the world with one's own theories and practices, drawing an end to the history that has been recognized, led, and evaluated by the Western world and culture in various ways and to varying degrees over the past 100 years. From the perspective of the history of world civilization, the CPC's centralized and unified leadership of Chinese path to modernization has a more profound and extraordinary special significance. Although the inheritance of Chinese civilization has continued to this day, there is an undeniable flaw: for most of history, the government lacked sufficient organizational and mobilization capabilities, and society lacked sufficient cohesion and centripetal force. Even in a highly unified dynasty politically, it is difficult for the central government to effectively implement leadership in all corners of society. After the Opium War, China was plunged into a state of internal and external troubles, and fragmentation. But does the Chinese nation really lack sufficient leadership, organizational power, and cohesion, leading to the stagnation of Chinese civilization? The answer is undoubtedly negative. In 1931, Japanese militarism launched a heinous invasion war against China, and China faced a severe test of life and death. The awakening and unity of the Chinese nation reached an unprecedented height. The establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949 achieved a high degree of unity in China and unprecedented unity among all ethnic groups, completely ending the history of semi colonial and semi feudal society in old China. The Chinese people became the masters of their own destiny for the first time, and also completely ending the previous scattered situation. Later, under the leadership of the CPC, China began a new journey of reform and opening up. Guided by the ideology of liberating the mind, seeking truth from facts, and uniting to look forward, the wisdom and potential of the Chinese people have been unleashed unprecedentedly. In the magnificent historical journey of comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization, the leadership of the CPC has been further implemented in all aspects and links of the party and the country in all fields, and the national capacity building has reached an unprecedented height. Chinese path to modernization changes the development of human society and the pattern of the world. Chinese path to modernization is a modernization in which material civilization and spiritual civilization are coordinated, and human beings and nature coexist in harmony. By continuing and expanding the "public interest" of China's excellent traditional culture and taking the common prosperity of the people as its original mission, Chinese path to modernization is not intended to replace the western development path, but to open up a broader space for the development of human society beyond the western capitalist development path. So far, more than 1 billion people worldwide live in developed countries dominated by the West, with over 1 billion living at the bottom and over 5 billion living in between. The realization of Chinese path to modernization will enable 1.4 billion people to enter the modern society as a whole, and its scale will exceed the total of the existing developed countries. The realization of Chinese path to modernization will completely rewrite the world map and international pattern of economic development, and human society will therefore enter a new stage in which economic development is more balanced, the gap between North and South is greatly reduced, international relations are more harmonious, and world peace is more lasting. Chinese path to modernization creates a new form of human civilization. In a world of turmoil, where will human society go? Faced with the question of history and the times, China has elaborated on the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind to the world. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China explicitly pointed out the need to promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind and create new forms of human civilization. Based on the profound understanding of the historical process of human civilization development and the new form of human civilization created by Chinese path to modernization. At this point, the Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative, and Global Civilization Initiative have formed an organic whole. The concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind and the "Three Global Initiatives" are based on the century long changes, in line with the trend of human development and progress, and have pointed out the direction for the world at a crossroads. After the great voyages of the 15th century, Asia, Europe, America, and Africa, which had significant differences between them, established economic connections. In the context of global integration and competition, various regions engage in economic, institutional, cultural and other aspects of competition, resulting in rules and order that can maintain orderly competition to a certain extent. The Western centrism emerged in such a historical context, and the academic community correspondingly "perfected" regional or national history into "world history", forming a historical narrative consisting of two dimensions: "center" and "era". The shift theory of "world economic center" that emerged in the 1980s has yet to break free from the stereotype of "center" and "era" as dimensions. Chinese path to modernization vigorously promotes the common values of all mankind, provides value guidance for promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, and its greatest contribution to the development of world history lies in the creation of a new form of civilization, which enables human society to transcend the international relations pattern of "center periphery", "dominate dominated", "hegemonic obedience" that has formed in the global scope since modern times, and it is possible to jump out of the historical cycle of "center alternation, hegemonic rotation, and" you sing and I come on stage ". Mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and sharing of honor and disgrace among different countries and ethnic groups demonstrate the essential differences between the new human civilization and the existing capitalist industrial civilization. As a model practitioner of the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind and a pioneer of new forms of civilization, China's greatest hope is to develop itself well and has never considered challenging or replacing any country's world status. Neither conquering nor yielding, Chinese path to modernization develops itself through peaceful and independent integration into the international community. On the basis of the achievements of mankind's modernization, Chinese path to modernization strives to create a new world order that does not focus on our strengths and weaknesses, our strengths and our weaknesses, and our wins and losses, but focuses on the theme of "harmony without uniformity, beauty and common", mutual respect, fairness and justice, harmony among all nations, and the civilization of the world. China does not import or export the modernization model, and uses the phrase "Chinese path to modernization" instead of "Chinese modernization model" to indicate that there is no best but better modernization, and the development of human civilization has no end, only a starting point. Jointly building the "the Belt and Road" to break through the modern "nation state" centered international relations framework is a beneficial attempt made by Chinese path to modernization to create a new form of human civilization. Different from the pattern of the western center eroding the edge, as the world's largest new framework for economic cooperation, the "the Belt and Road Initiative" is committed to promoting economic globalization in the direction of openness, inclusiveness, inclusiveness, balance and win-win results, with the basic principle of "mutual consultation, construction and sharing" and the spirit of "peaceful cooperation, openness, mutual learning and mutual benefit". To jointly build the "the Belt and Road" is not to build a military alliance, a superpower, an empire, or an economic system centered on capital, interests, production and consumption.

Edit:Xiong Dafei Responsible editor:Li Xiang

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