
Standardize network maps in accordance with the law to safeguard "rivers and mountains on the map"


In recent years, maps have been continuously applied to mobile Internet applications due to their stereoscopic, intuitive and significant coupling effects. Recently, the General Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources and the General Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the Notice on Regulating the Map Publishing and Use Behavior in Mobile Internet Applications (hereinafter referred to as the Notice) to further regulate the map publishing and use behavior in APP. The Notice requires that APP sponsors engaged in Internet map services shall, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, go through map review procedures and ICP filing procedures with the natural resources authorities and telecommunications authorities. If there are changes or updates to the map content, the map review process should be carried out again in accordance with the law. The app organizer should fulfill the main responsibility for security, ensuring that the map accurately reflects China's territorial boundaries, administrative boundaries, important islands, and indicates the approval number when used. In recent years, with the rise and popularity of the Internet, especially the mobile Internet, the use of maps in mobile Internet applications has become more and more common, and the resulting network "problem maps" are also increasing. The existence of problem maps is closely related to a lack of sense of responsibility, mission, and honor, as well as a lack of solid professional knowledge, which is why mistakes were made in the preparation process. The correct national map is a symbol of national sovereignty and territorial integrity. Maps that do not comply with the content management regulations of China's public maps, whether they are paper or electronic, should be prohibited from use. It is no small matter to publish and use maps in mobile Internet applications. As an important carrier for transmitting spatial information, maps must objectively reflect the distribution characteristics and interrelationships of natural and socio-economic phenomena, and provide readers with timely, accurate, and complete charts and information in accordance with the requirements of national economic construction, national defense construction, scientific and cultural construction, etc. It is hoped that APP sponsors engaged in Internet map services will conscientiously implement the relevant requirements of the Notice to ensure that they will not make mistakes when publishing and using maps. (Lai Xin She)

Edit:Ying Ying Responsible editor:Shen Chen


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