
Wang Yi Talks on Key Cooperation Directions between China and Tajikistan


On May 19th local time, Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Minister of Foreign Affairs, met with reporters after a meeting with Tajikistan's Foreign Minister Mukhridin in Dushanbe. Wang Yi stated that I had friendly and in-depth exchanges with Foreign Minister Muhriddin and reached important consensus. Looking ahead, both sides believe that cooperation should focus on the following areas: first, continue to firmly support each other's core interests. China reiterates its firm support for Tajikistan to safeguard its sovereignty, independence, development, and security interests, to pursue a development path that is in line with its own national conditions, and to oppose any external forces interfering in the internal affairs of the two countries and undermining their friendship. This clear stance is particularly important in the current situation, and China highly appreciates it. Secondly, continue to tap into the vast potential of mutually beneficial cooperation. According to Chinese statistics, the bilateral trade volume between China and Tajikistan increased by more than 50% last year, but there is still a lot of room for improvement. China is expected to become Tajikistan's largest trading partner. Both sides are willing to explore new measures to further enhance trade scale and expand agricultural cooperation, while accelerating the construction of key sections of the China Tajikistan Highway and other major connectivity projects between the two countries, and opening more direct air routes in accordance with the needs of personnel exchanges between the two sides. China will actively consider importing more high-quality agricultural products from Tajikistan, encourage capable Chinese enterprises to increase investment in Tajikistan, and participate in infrastructure construction within Tajikistan. Thirdly, accelerate the two-way flow of cultural exchanges. The friendship between China and Tajikistan has a long history, as far as more than two thousand years ago when Zhang Qian went on an envoy to the Western Regions to visit Tajikistan. The history of China Tajikistan exchanges is a long river of mutual trust, friendship, and cooperation. We have agreed to fully leverage our roles in the Taruban Workshop, Confucius Institute, and China Tajikistan Traditional Chinese Medicine Center, accelerate the establishment of cultural centers, and expand local cooperation between the two countries. The Chinese side welcomes Tajikistan's announcement of a 14 day visa free policy for eligible Chinese citizens, and proposes to establish a fast platform for personnel exchanges with Tajikistan, issuing 10-year multiple visas for various short-term visitors such as business and family visits, further facilitating personnel exchanges. At present, there are over 5000 international students studying in Tajik, China. We welcome more young Tajik people to study and further their education in China. Fourthly, we will resolutely maintain regional security and stability. This is a shared responsibility of both countries and in line with their common interests. We will further deepen counter-terrorism cooperation, increase efforts to combat the "three forces", strengthen border control, and tighten the security fence between the two countries. Strengthen exchanges and consultations in the field of anti interference, and jointly prevent the "color revolution". China supports the establishment of the SCO Anti Drug Center in Dushanbe. Fifth, maintain close multilateral cooperation. Both sides highly evaluate China Central Asia Xi'an

Edit:Yi Jing Responsible editor:Li Nian


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