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Online Movies: Adhering to Film Quality and Leveraging Network Advantages


The spring of online movies comes earlier and more intense than the natural spring of Jiachen year. According to incomplete statistics, as of March 26th, iQiyi, Tencent Video, and Youku have released a total of 89 new online movies this year, with various genres and excellent production, which are popular in the market. Among them, the box office champion has accumulated over 34 million yuan in revenue, and "The Legend of Qiaofeng" has made it to the big screen in some countries and regions outside Shanghai, becoming the box office champion of Malaysian New Year films and Singaporean Chinese New Year films. This delightful scene has effectively boosted industry morale and confidence among practitioners, inspiring people to think about future development. Creating Film Works Based on Internet Distribution In 2014, the industry defined online film as a film with a duration of more than 60 minutes, a complete film structure, and the Internet as the main distribution platform. At that time, the industrialization reform continued to deepen, and the Chinese film market showed a high growth momentum, attracting capital and talent to flow in. But for a long time, the main channels for film dissemination have been concentrated in theaters. Although the number of domestic cinema screens is steadily increasing, due to limited capacity, there are still some films that cannot be released every year. At this time, video websites rapidly emerged, with massive capacity and convenient viewing methods providing market space for movies. As a result, the emergence of films distributed and disseminated on the Internet has gradually formed an art category that is different from cinema films in terms of content and audience. Due to the relatively low cost of launching on video websites, online movies attract a large number of small teams and new companies pursuing low investment and short cycles to seize the market. In order to compete with mainstream cinema films in a differentiated manner, some producers consider topics that are rarely covered in mainstream cinema films as their competitive edge, and focus on cutting corners and attracting attention as their main topic direction. The creation mainly focuses on genres such as horror, exotic beasts, and fantasy, repeatedly remaking and interpreting classic works or major IPs. Some themes of collisions and similar content; Some works use the title or even theme of popular films from the same period of cinema; Some works have sensational titles, exaggerated and explicit content, and unclear narrative logic. For a while, "low style", "shoddy workmanship", "love to ride hot topics", and "imitating and following the trend" became the keywords of online movies, causing criticism from audiences. In response to this phenomenon, relevant departments have started to address it. On the one hand, scientific planning and topic selection are used to regulate the creation of themes with overcapacity such as fantasy and exotic beasts; On the one hand, it provides support for the main theme works that reflect real life and praise the great era in terms of project approval, broadcasting and promotion. In 2022, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television issued administrative licenses for online dramas, and licensed online films to lead the industry towards high-quality development. Exploring a scientific accounting model to achieve higher box office results for high-quality works is not only reflected in the continuous updating of creative concepts, but also in the increasingly perfect industry rules. For a period of time, there was a saying in the industry that making a hit requires three elements: title, poster, and 6 minutes. "6 minutes" is the free trial time limit. Once it exceeds 6 minutes, the system will prompt the audience to purchase membership or pay for viewing. The video platform will split the account with the film party based on this effective viewing quantity. This rule has plunged online movies into a "6-minute" cycle. To obtain more revenue sharing, some works will allocate most of the production budget

Edit:GuoGuo Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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