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Love water, cherish water, protect water, and guard the source of life


On the occasion of the 32nd "World Water Day" and the 37th "China Water Week", various regions organized rich and diverse themed promotional activities to popularize water resource knowledge, pass on scientific water use concepts, and make love, cherish, and protect water a consensus and action for more people, such as learning water-saving knowledge through check-in interactions, attending a lively water-saving class at a water plant, participating in volunteer activities and patrolling the river with river chiefs to protect water. Water is the foundation of survival and the source of civilization. A trickle of clear water nourishes the earth. From ancient times to the present, humans have lived by the water, and civilization has emerged with it. The Chinese nation has gone through a long process of civilization and has always been associated with water. Our ancestors have accumulated rich experience and wisdom in water management, management, and protection, leaving behind a long tradition of loving water, respecting nature, and cherishing things. The theme of this year's commemorative activities for World Water Day and China Water Week in China is "Be meticulous in using water resources and strictly manage water resources". Protecting, utilizing, and managing water resources is crucial to the overall economic and social development and the well-being of the people, as well as to the water security and sustainable development of the Chinese nation. Since 2014, China's gross domestic product has nearly doubled, and the overall water consumption has remained stable within 610 billion cubic meters. The water consumption per 10000 yuan of gross domestic product and per 10000 yuan of industrial added value has decreased by 41.7% and 55.1%, respectively. The effective utilization coefficient of irrigation water in farmland has increased from 0.530 to 0.576. The implementation of the priority policy of water conservation has promoted a profound transformation in the utilization of water resources in China, and the efficiency and benefits of water use have been continuously improved. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to implement a comprehensive strategy of conservation and promote the intensive utilization of various resources. The water resources on Earth may seem inexhaustible and inexhaustible, but the truly available freshwater resources for human use are not abundant. Especially from the perspective of basic water conditions, China has a large population but limited water resources, and the spatiotemporal distribution of water resources is extremely uneven. The prominent contradiction between water supply and demand may persist for a long time with the rigid growth of development and protection water demand. China has nurtured nearly 20% of the world's population and created over 18% of the world's total economy with 6% of the world's freshwater resources. This development achievement is not easy to come by, and it has also made us more deeply aware of the importance of water conservation and protection work. In the face of water scarcity, it is necessary to fundamentally promote the transformation of water usage towards conservation and intensification, further improve the efficiency of water resource utilization, and at the same time, focus on "conservation" in order to achieve sustainable use of water resources. Managing and utilizing water resources effectively relies on strong institutional support. We must adhere to using water to determine the city, land, people, and production, and regard water resources as the greatest rigid constraint. Water resources are the fundamental, leading, and controlling element of economic and social development. To promote the alignment between productivity layout and water resource carrying capacity, it is necessary to improve and implement the rigidity of water resources

Edit:GuoGuo Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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