
Promoting the Good Tradition of "Leading the New with the Old"


Let veteran comrades not only serve as the backbone, but also play the role of yeast, so that the construction of military talents can present a thriving situation and the cause of building a strong military can have a continuous source of power. Recently, a certain unit carried out practical training, and equipment on the training site suddenly malfunctioned. At a critical moment, a young repair technician arrived in time and successfully eliminated the problem. After the training, the author asked the platoon leader how the young technician's excellent skills were cultivated. The answer was that the experienced old technician led the young technician to complete the task together. This not only improved the maintenance level of the new technician in a short period of time, but also further consolidated the technical level of the old technician. The talent cultivation model adopted by this platoon is actually what we often refer to as "using the old to lead the new". Young comrades who have just started working in a new position and want to quickly get started and integrate into the collective, relying solely on their own exploration, can easily "slow down" or even "take a detour". "Using the old to lead the new" is undoubtedly a good method, which can help new comrades quickly overcome the "threshold", achieve technical improvement and job adaptation. However, in reality, there are also a few old comrades who are not well-established and worried about "teaching apprentices and starving their masters", and are unwilling to give their all to new comrades. In fact, the process of "bringing new ideas" not only helps to deepen the deeper understanding of professional knowledge among veteran comrades, but the collision of new and old thinking can also generate new ideas; At the same time, the rapid progress of new comrades can also cause panic among old comrades, leading them to actively expand their skills and achieve a virtuous cycle of "using the old to lead the new, and using the new to promote the old". Old comrades should not have selfishness in leading the new, but should amplify the situation, willingly serve as a ladder of people, and devote themselves to cultivating talents for the construction of the army. In the process of "leading the new with the old", new comrades should be humble, diligent in learning and asking questions, and be down-to-earth. In reality, some new comrades have high expectations but low skills, blindly confident in their own abilities, and do not cherish the opportunity for old comrades to teach, resulting in slow progress. Young comrades should recognize that the experiences of many veteran comrades are summarized through long-term practice on the front line, with strong pertinence and practicality, which can help them quickly adapt to the needs of their positions. In the process of "using the old to lead the new", new comrades should correct their learning attitude, seize the opportunity to humbly seek advice from experienced comrades with strong abilities and qualities, learn their work ideas, methods, and style, apply the knowledge they have learned to practical work, so that they can truly learn something in their job practice, quickly integrate into the collective, and improve their professional abilities. In the process of "using the old to lead the new", the guidance of veteran comrades is crucial. Jia Yuanyou, known as the "Iron Armor Elite Soldier," not only has excellent personal qualities, but also has led a series of "model classes" with excellent martial arts and strong abilities; "Missile King" Wang Zhongxin not only excels in his own business, but also cultivates hundreds of excellent missile horn players... It has been proven that only by allowing veteran comrades to serve as the "pillar" and play a good role as "yeast", can the construction of military talents present a thriving situation, and the strong military industry has a continuous source of motivation. In this process, veteran comrades should pay attention to the knowledge, experience, personality traits, etc. of new comrades, and flexibly adopt situational, case based, and other popular ways for young people to assist. We should be good at understanding the subtle and proactively helping new comrades analyze problems and solve difficulties

Edit:Luo yu Responsible editor:Wang xiao jing

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