
Revitalizing Quality and Seeing Strength in Development - Shanghai's Promotion of High Quality Development Tracking


Shanghai, on both sides of the Pujiang River, is full of spring. New tracks, new models, new driving forces, and technological innovation ignite the explosive point of new quality productivity. High technology, high efficiency, and high quality form a "relay baton" to promote high-quality development from 0 to 1 and from 1 to 100. Moving towards "quality", new changes forge a new "quality". From laying out the four new tracks of digital economy, green and low-carbon, metaverse, and intelligent terminals, to planning the five future industries of future health, future intelligence, future energy, future space, and future materials, Shanghai's forward-looking and determined efforts in cultivating new quality productivity have been consistent and accumulated. ——New technologies are brewing new "changes". On January 30th, a team of scientists from the Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory officially released the "Sinan" open source evaluation system for large models, which can provide one-stop evaluation services for large language models, multimodal models, and more. On February 22, the international academic journal Nature published relevant research results. The "super disc" with a storage capacity of tens of thousands of times that of ordinary discs and hundreds of times that of ordinary hard disks was born in the Shanghai Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, which is a major breakthrough in China's key core technology in the field of information storage. Major technological infrastructure clusters are being laid out around fields such as photons, life, energy, oceans, and artificial intelligence, with up to 20 facilities already built, under construction, and planned in Shanghai; Targeting intelligent manufacturing technology and processes, Shanghai has achieved more than 40 breakthroughs in key equipment, core components, and industrial software that have become a bottleneck. In 2023, the total output value of strategic emerging industries in Shanghai's industry will account for 43.9% of the total output value of industrial enterprises above designated size. The proportion of research and development expenditure in the whole society will reach about 4.4% of the city's GDP, and the number of high-value invention patents per 10000 people will reach 50.2. ——The new factory creates a new quality. Lighthouse factories, intelligent factories, zero carbon factories... In Shanghai, a series of "new" factories continue to add new development momentum to intelligent manufacturing. Entering the intelligent factory of Chint Electric (Songjiang), transformers of different sizes and voltage levels have been transformed from mineral oil to vegetable oil through research and development, achieving renewable, biodegradable, and fire-resistant properties. According to Ye Bin, Assistant to the President of Chint Electric Co., Ltd., the company's products are exported to more than 140 countries and regions. It is expected that sales revenue will increase by 20% year-on-year this year, with international business accounting for about 30%. ——New "chain owners" create a "win-win chain". Starting from 2022, Shanghai has successively announced two batches of 25 "industrial empowerment chain master" cultivation enterprises, with the goal of reaching 40 by 2025, and driving and empowering 1500 to 2000 upstream and downstream enterprises. As one of the first cultivated enterprises to be included, Zhijing Technology's "Flying Shuttle Smart Spinning" platform has connected to more than 9000 textile enterprises and more than 700000 weaving machines nationwide, achieving precise matching of production capacity and demand, and increasing the industry's weaving machine start-up rate to 70%. Click "counting" to turn into gold. New elements are surging and new potential energy is emerging during the Spring Festival holiday in the the Year of the Loong. The big hermit and trace of home stay near Siguniang Mountain in Sichuan are almost full every day. Half of the guests are from outside Chengdu and Chongqing. Tang Zhao, the founder of the homestay, said that the homestay will open in 2023 mainly because

Edit:He Chuanning Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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