
Entering the Chinese Academy of History and Foreign Media to Experience "Why China"


On February 27th, the Information Office of the State Council of China organized Chinese and foreign media reporters to visit the Chinese Academy of History, visit the Chinese Archaeological Museum, and hold a special lecture to gain a deeper understanding of the origin, formation, and development of Chinese civilization. The event attracted 46 Chinese and foreign journalists, including 33 journalists from 25 foreign media outlets in 16 countries. Many foreign media reporters said in an interview with China News Agency that this event has helped them better understand "what China is". On February 27th, Chinese and foreign media reporters visited the Chinese Academy of History and visited the Chinese Archaeological Museum. Zeng Yue took a photo of the historical avenue along the central axis of the Chinese Archaeological Museum, and the "Historical Chinese Ding Zhu Civilization - Exhibition of Cultural Relics and Literature of the Chinese Academy of History" slowly unfolded. Carriages, jade rings, pottery... Finnish Broadcasting Company journalist Mika Hentunen takes a slow tour, sometimes stopping to listen to explanations, and sometimes raising his phone to take photos. "I am very interested in Chinese history, Chinese culture, and Chinese civilization." He said that Chinese civilization has a long and profound history, which has a strong attraction. "I know very little about this, so I want to gain more knowledge, which is why I came to participate in this event." Standing at the China Archaeological Museum, Chinese and foreign media reporters welcomed a wonderful and diverse feast of cultural relics. According to Liu Guoxiang, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of History, this is China's first national level professional museum named after archaeology, with a permanent exhibition hall of over 7000 square meters and over 6000 exhibits, showcasing the history of over 5000 years of Chinese civilization and the formation and development of a unified multi-ethnic country. "All the exquisite unearthed cultural relics on display come from the excavation of archaeological fields, and all the precious ancient books on display are treasures of the Chinese Academy of History," said Liu Guoxiang. At the time of the the Year of the Loong in the Chinese lunar calendar, the dragon element cultural relics have attracted the attention of Chinese and foreign journalists. The turquoise dragon shaped artifacts unearthed at the Erlitou site in Yanshi, Henan Province, contain over 2000 turquoise "dragon scales" of various shapes and colors, attracting domestic and foreign journalists to carefully examine. In front of the painted dragon patterned pottery plate unearthed at the Taosi site in Xiangfen, Shanxi, foreign media reporters were very interested in the vermilion dragon patterns inside the plate, and inquired about the details, recording the key points in their notebooks. Muhammad Asghar, a journalist from Pakistan's Associated Press in China, said in an interview with China News Agency that his trip has given him a more comprehensive understanding of China's historical path and the development of civilization. The unearthed cultural relics and first-hand historical materials provide vivid evidence for the origin, formation, and development of Chinese civilization. The dragon element cultural relics and their tracing have further helped him understand the importance of dragons to the Chinese nation. On February 27th, in the "Origin of Civilization" special exhibition hall of the Chinese Archaeological Museum, Chinese and foreign media reporters learned about Da Kou Tao Zun through a smart screen. Zeng Yue was photographed in the "Origin of Civilization" exhibition hall, where Helena, a journalist from UAE's China Arab TV stationed in China, reached out to touch the smart screen wrapped around the Big Mouth Tao Zun. This cultural relic unearthed from the Weichi Temple Site in Mengcheng, Anhui Province is projected on the smart screen

Edit:Guanguan Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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