
The new regulations have arrived in March! Related to food safety, express cabinet collection, mandatory bundled insurance


Clarify the main responsibilities of special food safety management personnel to better safeguard the physical health and life safety of key populations; Enterprises that use express boxes or stations to deliver parcels without the user's consent may face a maximum fine of 30000 yuan; We are not allowed to sell insurance by default checking on web pages or other methods... In March 2024, these new regulations related to you and me will be implemented. Supervise, randomly inspect and assess special food safety management personnel, including health food, special medical purpose formula food, and infant formula food, which are related to the physical health and life safety of key populations such as the elderly and the young. The "Guidelines for Supervision, Inspection and Assessment of Enterprise Food Safety Management Personnel" and the "Outline for Supervision, Inspection and Assessment of Enterprise Food Safety Management Personnel" will be implemented from March 1st, further clarifying the main responsibilities of food safety management personnel in special food production and operation enterprises. The guide stipulates that special food safety management personnel should not only master the professional content, but also grasp the public content of food safety laws and regulations, food standards and sampling inspections, food safety risk prevention and control, etc. The newly revised "Regulations on the Administration of the Express Delivery Market" shall come into effect on March 1st, and express delivery shall not be placed in the express delivery cabinet without authorization. According to the regulations, enterprises engaged in express delivery business shall ensure the safety of parcels, prevent loss, damage, or shortage of parcels, and shall not throw or trample on parcels. The method is clear: enterprises operating express delivery services confirm receipt of parcels on behalf of users without their consent; Using intelligent express boxes, express service stations, and other methods to deliver parcels without the user's consent; Throwing and trampling on parcels. If any of the above situations occur, the postal management department shall order correction, issue a warning or criticism, and may also impose a fine of up to 10000 yuan; If the circumstances are serious, a fine of not less than 10000 yuan but not more than 30000 yuan shall be imposed. The Measures for the Administration of Insurance Sales Behavior shall come into effect from March 1st, and shall not be used to sell insurance by default checking on web pages or other means. The method divides insurance sales behavior into three stages: pre sales behavior, mid sales behavior, and post sales behavior, distinguishing the characteristics of each stage and regulating them separately. The method proposes that insurance companies, insurance intermediaries, and their insurance sales personnel are not allowed to enter into insurance contracts with policyholders through methods such as mandatory bundling, information systems, or default selection on web pages. The China Thailand Mutual Visa Exemption Agreement officially came into effect on March 1st. The Agreement between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand on Mutual Visa Exemption for Individuals Holding Ordinary Passports officially came into effect on March 1st. At that time, Chinese nationals holding official ordinary passports, ordinary passport holders, and Thai nationals holding ordinary passports can enter the other country without a visa and stay for no more than 30 days in a single stay (with a cumulative stay of no more than 90 days every 180 days). Those who enter the other country for work, study, news reporting, settlement and other activities that require prior approval, as well as those who intend to stay in the other country for more than 30 days, must obtain the corresponding visa before entering the other country. The Implementation Regulations of the Archives Law of the People's Republic of China, which will be implemented from March 1st, will promote the "online+offline" archive query service model, further optimize the archive management system and mechanism, improve the institutional measures for the complete collection, safe storage, and effective utilization of archive resources, and enhance the scientific and standardized level of archive work

Edit:He Chuanning Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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