
What signals do high-frequency words in the "first moment of the Chinese New Year" in many places release?


Start the New Year together. On the first working day after the Spring Festival holiday, many parts of the country held meetings to deploy economic work. According to incomplete statistics, as of February 20th, 20 provinces, cities, and autonomous regions including Guangdong, Shanghai, Anhui, Shandong, Hebei, Fujian, Jiangsu, Chongqing, Gansu, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Liaoning, and Guangxi have already held the first session of the Chinese New Year. In various conferences, "high-quality development", "optimizing the business environment", and "attracting investment" have become high-frequency words in the deployment of economic development, releasing a strong signal of "competing for the economy" at the beginning of the year, striving to achieve a "good start" and ensuring "stability throughout the year". High frequency word one: High quality development. As the first province in China to break through the "13 trillion yuan" GDP, Guangdong Province's "New Year's First Session" this year has once again focused on high-quality development, following 2023. The conference emphasizes promoting the mutual promotion of industry and technology, comprehensively enhancing the high-level self-reliance and self-improvement ability of science and technology, accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system, and continuously shaping new development momentum and advantages. As a strong economic province, high-quality development has also become one of the focuses of Jiangsu's work this year. On February 18th, Jiangsu Province held a work promotion meeting to build a globally influential industrial technology innovation center, focusing on two major articles: technological innovation and industrial innovation, to create a stronger engine for Jiangsu's high-quality development. The key to achieving high-quality development lies in people. Zhejiang Province held a conference to continuously promote the deepening and implementation of the "88 Strategy" throughout the province, striving to build a high-quality cadre team, high-level innovative talents and entrepreneurial teams, and a high-quality workforce. The meeting emphasized the implementation of "shaping new development advantages through technological innovation", promoting the work of education, technology and talent in an integrated manner, promoting the deep integration of the innovation chain, industry chain, capital chain, and talent chain, and making every effort to stimulate the innovation and entrepreneurship creativity of various talents, in order to shape new momentum and advantages for the high-quality development of Zhejiang's economy and society. High frequency word two: Optimizing the business environment. Shanghai, Fujian, Hebei, Anhui and other places have made optimizing the business environment the focus of the "first session of the New Year". Shanghai has held a conference on optimizing the business environment for 7 consecutive years, and this year has once again introduced an updated version of the relevant action plan. This year's conference on optimizing the business environment emphasized that policies and services that benefit enterprises should be understood and used by enterprises, promote "free application and immediate access", and bridge the "last mile". The first session of the Chinese New Year in Fujian and Anhui provinces emphasizes the private economy. The conference in Fujian Province invited representatives from the private economy to the venue to listen to their opinions. At the meeting, it was requested that party committees and governments at all levels in the province benchmark against first-class standards, adhere to problem orientation, continuously optimize the business environment, and effectively build Fujian into a prosperous place for private economic development. Anhui Province commended 100 outstanding private enterprises and 100 outstanding private entrepreneurs at the meeting. The meeting also emphasized the need to vigorously promote the construction of a business environment, stimulate the vitality of private economic development, and add strong momentum to the comprehensive construction of a modern and beautiful Anhui. In addition, many regions such as Shaanxi, Jilin, and Liaoning have made deployments to optimize their business environment during the first session of the Chinese New Year. It is worth noting that Hebei, Anhui and other regions have continuously regarded optimizing the business environment as the "first priority" of the Chinese New Year for many years

Edit:Hou Wenzhe Responsible editor:WeiZe


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