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What is the value of the emergence of luminous flowers


Just as people find it difficult to distinguish the authenticity of the dreamy world created by Sora, a cultural video model, another technology product that can distinguish authenticity but also make the world more beautiful has emerged. The glowing petunias will be sold on the market. Light Bio, a biotech company in the United States, announced that with approval from the US Department of Agriculture, 48 states in the United States (excluding Alaska and Hawaii) can book the company's bioluminescent indoor plant, the firefly dwarf morning glory, for $29. It will be shipped in April with an initial supply of 50000 plants. Petunia is a typical genetically modified crop, with white flowers during the day and green fluorescence resembling fireflies at night. Through genetic engineering, researchers have transferred the gene of a glowing mushroom into petunia flowers, which can continuously emit green fluorescence at night. In the future, more flowers can also emit colorful light at night through genetic engineering, not only dressing up the world but also illuminating the darkness. Perhaps it will become another colorful light source after LED lights, and it is a biological light source that does not consume electricity and does not pollute the environment. Plants that glow at night have long existed in the real world, such as mushrooms, weeds, as well as aloe vera, cacti, and so on. However, understanding their luminescence principle and transplanting it to other plants is a difficult scientific research, and it also depends on whether there is such a demand in the real society. As early as 1986, a team led by Keith Wood, the founder of Light Bio, developed a bioluminescent plant. They transferred the luciferase gene of fireflies into tobacco, allowing it to emit firefly like light. However, the light emitted by this plant at night is very weak, and luciferase needs to bind to its substrate luciferin in order to emit light through biochemical reactions, so it is not ornamental. After years of experimentation, the research team has found another way to make plants and flowers emit bright and continuous light at night. As early as over 100 years ago, researchers discovered a glowing mushroom (Neonototophanus nambi) in Brazil that can emit bright green fluorescence at night. After research, it was found that this luminescent mushroom emits light through biochemical reactions based on its luciferase and caffeic acid as the luminescent substrate. Meanwhile, some other plants can also produce caffeic acid, indicating that by transferring the luminescent system of luminescent mushrooms to other plants, they can emit light on their own without the need for additional luminescent substrates. The emergence of fluorescent dwarf morning glory provides a successful case for current and future genetically modified organisms to learn from. The currently developed fluorescent dwarf morning glory not only meets people's needs for decorating living environments and viewing, but also ensures its safety. The advantages of this genetically modified dwarf morning glory lie in its low cost and easy cultivation. It does not require additional substances to be added, as it only needs to receive normal sunlight during the day and emit green fluorescence at night. Moreover, genetically modified petunias emit a soft, moonlight like green glow at night. A pot of fireflies and petunias placed in the bedroom, shining brightly at night

Edit:Luo yu Responsible editor:Jia jia

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