
Cross border e-commerce accelerates the pace of Chinese products going global


Recently, a set of data released by the South Korean statistics department has attracted widespread attention: in 2023, the import volume of cross-border e-commerce originating from China in South Korea surged by 121.2% year-on-year. China has surpassed the United States for the first time, becoming the largest source of cross-border e-commerce imports for South Korea. This is another latest example of the rapid development of cross-border e-commerce in China. According to data from the Ministry of Commerce, in 2023, China's cross-border e-commerce imports and exports reached 2.38 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 15.6%. Among them, exports reached 1.83 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 19.6%. What are the new highlights of cross-border e-commerce in promoting exports? What is the reason for its rapid development? What are the future development trends? On February 4th, a plane carrying cross-border e-commerce goods such as clothing, shoes and hats, accessories, and daily necessities flew from Laining International Airport in Kashgar, Xinjiang to Bournemouth, UK, showcasing the highlights of the "Blue Ocean" track. This cargo plane carries goods prepared by Chinese manufacturers for cross-border e-commerce platforms such as Amazon and Wish. "We provide procurement, logistics, and product information collection services for overseas cross-border e-commerce, and are participants in the cross-border e-commerce supply chain field. From small headbands and hair clips to large generators and machine tools, we help purchase whatever overseas customers need." Zhang Qi, the person in charge of Fengyun Supply Chain Technology (Xinjiang) Co., Ltd., told our reporter that cross-border e-commerce goods transportation places great emphasis on timeliness. Kashgar has a unique geographical advantage of "connecting five ports and eight countries, and connecting Europe and Asia along the way". The 1.5-hour aviation economic circle can cover major cities in eight neighboring countries such as Pakistan and Tajikistan, and has a unique advantage in foreign trade location. According to Zhang Qi, currently, Kashgar Customs implements a "7 × 24" 24-hour appointment for customs clearance, efficiently handles customs clearance procedures, and normalizes "arrival, inspection, and release". This allows enterprises to free up more energy to develop new customers in the European market on the basis of consolidating the Central and South Asian markets. "Since 2021, the company's annual cash flow has increased at a rate of more than 100%. After the opening of the cargo route from Kashgar to Bournemouth, the company's export cargo has further increased. During the Spring Festival of the the Year of the Loong, we spent time with customs staff!" Zhang Qi said. In addition to the expansion of geographical dimensions horizontally, the development of segmented markets vertically has also added more "blue ocean" tracks to cross-border e-commerce. Huang Kai from Shaoyang, Hunan was born in 1999. Despite his young age, he has a lot of business experience. After graduating from university, Huang Kai found that his uncle's business in dining tables and chairs was fiercely competitive and difficult to make new progress in the short term. So Huang Kai turned his gaze to online channels. After analyzing various backend data of his own store operating on Alibaba International Station, Huang Kai believes that sofa exports are a promising track. "A container can hold 2000 dining tables and chairs, but can only hold 18 sets of sofas, so many companies are unwilling to export sofas. However, overseas customers have a considerable demand for sofas." Huang Kai told our reporter that after anchoring the direction, he began to explore the operation of functional sofas and combination sofas specifically for exporting to the European and American markets with the help of his uncle. It has been proven that Huang Kai took the right path. Since starting his business for a year and a half, Huang Kai's Jieju Furniture Co., Ltd

Edit:He Chuanning Responsible editor:Su Suiyue

Source:People's Daily

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