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Why don't you listen to the voices of young people behind the "divorce"


As the Spring Festival approaches, some young people choose to "cut ties" - neglecting too much interaction with non direct relatives. According to a report by "Half Moon Talk", this phenomenon manifests as "once it comes to academic performance, salary, whether to buy a house or have a partner, it feels like we are talking endlessly", "Young people need guidance, but it's not that we can't see relatives all year round pointing and pointing", and so on. Under the pressure of reality, young people don't like to visit relatives, and even don't want to go home during the Chinese New Year, which has become a helpless choice. Some remarks in the public opinion field accusing young people who have "broken ties" of "lacking human touch" may be biased. Elders hope to receive recognition and care from young people, and young people naturally do the same. However, many young people cannot obtain positive emotional value from their relatives. Some relatives, under the guise of "for your own good," inquire about various privacy matters, but in fact, they are not caring about younger generations, but rather waiting for opportunities to compare themselves. For example, some relatives may secretly compare the differences between their children and others. If the comparison results satisfy themselves, they will become complacent; On the contrary, it is possible to say something strange and difficult to accept. Young people yearn for the love of their relatives, rather than relying on themselves to show superiority or just to see jokes. If young people only receive negative energy from their relatives, they would rather reduce their interaction with them. From a social perspective, behind young people's "disconnection" is the dissolution of the traditional acquaintance social model. With the development of modernization, especially in big cities, people pay more attention to personal feelings and are less bound by various complex family relationships. Many young people are studying and working in other places, and they are gradually distancing themselves from their relatives in their hometown. They only go back to visit during the Spring Festival holiday. In this context, "severing ties" also has practical foundations and reasons. Moreover, there is already a generational gap between young people and their elders, coupled with differences in urban and rural attitudes, which makes it normal for them to transition from "unable to chat" to "unwilling to chat". In fact, "severing ties" among young people is not really about cutting off relationships with relatives and elders, but about not wanting meaningless and negative "relationships" - when young people become "tools" for comparison in front of relatives, it is obviously not a healthy family relationship, but prejudice and harm. Therefore, instead of condemning young people, it is better to think more about how elders can better listen to their voices, understand their thoughts, and truly treat them with kindness and warmth. Family relationships should originally be simple and sincere, but some insincere relatives have made these relationships sour and distorted, which has forced some young people to choose to break ties. In fact, young people who are in the growth stage hope to receive advice and encouragement from their elders. The elders who can provide positive help to young people are what young people expect. It can be said that good family relationships also require careful management. (Lai Xin She)

Edit:Luo yu Responsible editor:Jia jia

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