
Shanghai: Accelerating the Construction of a Science and Technology Innovation Center with Global Influence


The C919 large passenger aircraft, the first domestically produced large cruise ship "Aida Modu", the China Space Station Mengtian Experimental Module, the Long March 6A carrier rocket, China's first domestically approved proton therapy system, the world's first 2-meter PET-CT molecular imaging equipment, and the universal humanoid robot GR-1... Walking into the Future Park located in Zhangjiang Science City, Shanghai, the Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Achievement Exhibition is exhibited here, showcasing many global firsts The world's first was born in Shanghai. Backed by the Yangtze River and facing the Pacific Ocean, Shanghai is fully committed to strengthening its innovation engine. It is accelerating its march towards a technology innovation center with global influence, providing new impetus for high-quality urban development, and exploring the "Shanghai path" for China to achieve high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement. To activate the source of scientific and technological innovation and build a globally influential science and technology innovation center, big scientific devices are indispensable. The Shanghai Hard X-ray Free Electron Laser Device Project ranks first among major projects in Shanghai in 2023. This is the national major science and technology project with the highest investment and longest construction period to date. With the construction of a new batch of large-scale scientific devices such as hard X-ray free electron laser devices, live cell structure and functional imaging platforms, the energy levels of the world's most densely populated large-scale scientific device group continue to rise. One by one, "national treasures" have quietly emerged, constantly leading China's innovation into the "leader" array. Forward thinking layout, digging mountains and walls, this is the original aspiration and contribution of Shanghai. A number of new research and development institutions, including the Zhangjiang Fudan International Innovation Center, Li Zhengdao Research Institute, and the Yangtze River Delta National Technology Center, have been established in Shanghai, targeting cutting-edge tracks and common technologies. In addition, more than 400 enterprise technology centers and public technology service platforms have become new engines for technological innovation strategies. Rich carriers and flexible mechanisms provide new choices for scientists around the world who hold dreams. Focusing on key areas and core links, Shanghai focuses on optimizing global resource allocation, enhancing its ability to innovate in science and technology, and enhancing its leading role in high-end industries. "We will aim at the forefront of world technology, dare to 'gnaw on the hardest bone', and continuously improve our innovation strategy," emphasized the person in charge of the Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission. Furoquinib, which was approved to enter the local pharmaceutical market in the United States on November 9th, received its first prescription within 48 hours, becoming the first Shanghai original new drug to be prescribed overseas. This is the first small molecule drug approved by the United States in the past decade for the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer. In October, another Shanghai company, Junshi Biotechnology, developed Treprizumab, which became the first domestically developed and innovative biological drug in China to be approved for market in the United States, filling the treatment gap for nasopharyngeal carcinoma in the United States. Not long ago, the international academic journal Nature published the most noteworthy new technologies for 2023, such as gene editing, cell therapy, AI pharmaceuticals, etc. In recent years, Zhangjiang has taken the lead in layout in multiple fields, and many innovative achievements are at the forefront of the world. Nearly half of the AI pharmaceutical research and development projects in China and 70% of the immune cell therapy projects in Shanghai

Edit:He ChengXi Responsible editor:Tang WanQi


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