
Deepening research on applied law to promote firm confidence in the rule of law


At the symposium, Chen Zhiyuan, the director of the Law Research Institute, reported on the overall work situation and current problems. Based on practical work, frontline researchers discussed their feelings, expressed confusion, and came up with solutions, providing opinions and suggestions for the next step of applied law research. Theoretical research should be combined with the practice of providing high-quality economic and social development and judicial trial services. The questions raised in the trial work are the research topics, and each judge is both a questioner and a researcher. In response to everyone's concerns, Zhang Jun carefully records and occasionally interjects to respond. Strong theoretical support is our unshirkable responsibility Regarding further improving the research work of applied law, Zhang Jun proposed four principles - adhering to the "two combinations". We must combine the research of applied law with the basic principles of Marxism and the excellent traditional culture of China, always firmly establish our confidence in the rule of law, and achieve "I", "true", and "unwavering". We should closely integrate with the practical work of judicial trials, focus on promoting comprehensive rule of law, high-quality economic and social development, the people's perception of fairness and justice, as well as improving the efficiency and credibility of foreign-related judicial work, and identify the key research areas of applied law. Adhere to a problem oriented approach. The word "application" fundamentally solves the problem. Application relies on theoretical guidance, and theory should deepen towards application. We should focus our research on the most prominent contradictions and practical issues in judicial trial work, focusing on practical problems, and take resolving contradictions and solving difficulties as the breakthrough point to open up the situation. We should focus on theoretical issues, starting from the actual needs of judicial trials, conduct in-depth research on the basic theories of law, explore theoretical support for judicial reform and mechanism innovation, and guide reform and innovation with theoretical research results. We need to deepen our research on the theory of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics around the issue of the road, and further understand the superiority of combining theory and practice, so as to put our firm confidence in the rule of law into practice. Persist in bringing in and going out. Applied law research is backed by the highest judicial organs and national courts, and has a wealth of trial practice and case resources. We should fully leverage our resource advantages, work together with various legal research forces to deeply study practical problems in judicial trial work, and actively propose improvements and solutions

Edit:Ying Ying Responsible editor:Shen Chen

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