Greater Bay Area

China Manned Space Engineering Exhibition opens in Hong Kong


On November 30, Wang Yaping, the astronaut of the Shenzhou 13 crew, Liu Boming, the astronaut of the Shenzhou 12 crew, Chen Dong, the commander of the Shenzhou XIV crew, and Zhang Lu, the astronaut of the Shenzhou 15 crew, took a group photo with teenagers. On that day, the opening ceremony of the "Chasing Dreams, Asking the Sky - China Manned Space Engineering Exhibition" was held at the Hong Kong Museum of Science. The opening ceremony of the "Chasing Dreams and Asking the Sky - China Manned Space Engineering Exhibition" was held on the morning of November 30th at the Hong Kong Museum of Science. According to the China Manned Space Engineering Office, this is the first comprehensive and systematic display of the development process and construction achievements of manned space engineering to Hong Kong society. At the opening ceremony, Lin Xiqiang, Deputy Director of the China Manned Space Engineering Office and Head of the China Manned Space Engineering Delegation, and Chen Guoji, Secretary for Administration of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, delivered speeches respectively. Representatives from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, the Liaison Office of the Central Government in Hong Kong, the Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong, the People's Liberation Army in Hong Kong, and all members of the manned space engineering delegation attended. The exhibition will be held in two venues, the Hong Kong Museum of Science and the Hong Kong Museum of History. The main exhibits include a 1:15 model of the space station assembly, models of the Long March 2F, Long March 7B, and new generation manned launch vehicles, as well as physical objects such as the spacecraft suit, Shenzhou-13 return capsule, space cold atomic microwave clock, environmental control and life support equipment, And models of future manned lunar landing vehicles such as the new generation of manned spacecraft and lunar landers. The latest video shot by the crew of Shenzhou 17 on the ignition and return of Shenzhou 16 in orbit will also be exhibited on-site. Building a Chinese space station is a common dream of Chinese people. In 1992, China's manned space program was officially approved and implemented; In 2022, the "three-step" development strategy goal was successfully achieved, and the Chinese space station was fully built. Currently, it has officially entered the stage of space station application and development. Over the past 30 years of implementation, the project has successfully broken through and mastered a series of key core technologies, creating a brilliant record of 30 victories in 30 major flight missions, paving a path for the development of manned spaceflight that is in line with China's national conditions, nurturing the spirit of manned spaceflight, adding another "milestone" to the journey of building a strong aerospace country and climbing the scientific and technological peak, and writing a magnificent chapter in the vast universe to lift the Chinese Dream with the aerospace dream. This exhibition is open to the public in Hong Kong and Macau for free, with a duration of 3 months. (Lai Xin She)

Edit:GuoGuo Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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