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Close up: "Hardcore" Aerospace Scientists Dialogue with Hong Kong University Students


Hong Kong, November 30th (Xinhua) - Following the visit of the Chinese manned space engineering delegation to four primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong for exchange and interaction on the 29th, mainland "hardcore" aerospace scientists visited the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology on the afternoon of the 30th to discuss the vast sky with teachers and students. On November 30th, astronaut Liu Boming from the Shenzhou 12 crew shared at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Xinhua News Agency reporter Lv Xiaowei took a photo of the exchange venue between the two schools, with almost a thousand teachers and students coming to "follow the stars". The speeches of the delegation members were full of good work, with frequent golden phrases, laughter and applause from the audience, and classmates throwing questions one after another. The communication was brilliant and varied. "Astronauts are one in a million, and they have to go through multiple rounds of selection during the process. In the long preparation and waiting process, how can we never give up?" A classmate asked Liu Boming, a crew member of the Shenzhou 12 spacecraft, at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. "Half a year, I wrote 400000 words of notes." Liu Boming replied with his experience in fighting for space missions. He once wrote knowledge about various training subjects on paper, pasted it all over the room, and finally closed his eyes to be able to present the knowledge one by one. He sent a message to his classmates present: "Once the goal is clear, there is only one left - perseverance." The journey of chasing dreams and stars is the focus of their attention, and everyone is curious about what it feels like to walk outside the Earth? "Sometimes the space is pitch black and terrifying. But every star in the sky, hanging at the edge of the sky, is beautiful. But all we can see are stars, not every star can be named." Liu Boming understood a truth from it: only by shining on each other can the stars twinkle. In the development of the national aerospace industry, Hong Kong has not been absent. The two universities visited by the delegation have both contributed wisdom to the exploration of the mysteries of the universe by the country, and Hong Kong has also gained greater opportunities in the development of the national aerospace industry. At the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, astronaut Zhang Lu from the Shenzhou-15 crew revealed one thing that all astronauts have done in space - searching for their homeland and their respective hometowns through the portholes. On November 30th, astronaut Zhang Lu (left) on board Shenzhou 15 gifted calligraphy works to the President of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Ye Yuru (right). Xinhua News Agency reporter Lv Xiaowei photographed "Why should we love our country and hometown?" Zhang Lu believes that a strong country can achieve personal dreams, and hometown is the cradle of life. "All of our astronauts are striving to break new heights in China and climb technological heights." "In the past, Hong Kong children said that becoming an astronaut when they grow up was unattainable. But today, this is a dream that can be realized." During the exchange, the Secretary for Education of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, Tsai Ruo lien, said that young people in Hong Kong will further unleash their potential and actively participate in national scientific research and aerospace development. ". Chen Long, a doctoral student at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, once served as a research leader and developed an innovative virtual display system for lunar and Martian landing areas. Seeing the astronaut this time strengthened his determination to devote himself to the development of the aerospace industry. "I hope to have the opportunity to become a payload expert in the future and bring the team's research to the space station." "When I was a child, I was very excited to see the Shenzhou-5 manned spacecraft go up into the sky for the first time. I didn't expect to see the space shuttle with my own eyes today."

Edit:GuoGuo Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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