Greater Bay Area

High quality construction and strong manufacturing province! Have you understood these new words in Guangdong?


How can Guangdong build a strong province with high-quality construction and manufacturing? The opinions of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government on building a high-quality manufacturing strong province have introduced 22 policies to ensure the efficient and orderly implementation of the manufacturing leadership strategy. The improvement of resilience in the 100 chain, the new manufacturing ecosystem, billions, and Guangdong's industrial brain... each new term, formulation, and measure reveals the new vitality of high-quality development in Guangdong's manufacturing industry. New Words: Enhancing the Resilience and Security Level of the Industrial Chain Supply Chain. We will carry out a special action to enhance the resilience of the industrial chain supply chain, fully leverage the collaborative role of "chain leader+chain owner", implement precise chain reinforcement through "one chain, one policy", and enhance independent intellectual property rights and alternative continuity capabilities. Interpretation: How to Choose "Hundred Chains"? The reporter learned from the Guangdong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology that key industrial chain supply chains with strong comprehensive industrial strength, strong development driving ability, and high core technology level are all selected by the "Hundred Chains". Next, Guangdong will focus on cultivating and developing strategic industrial clusters and future industrial clusters. Each cluster will determine several key industrial chain supply chains based on actual conditions, and 2-3 "chain owners" enterprises will be selected for each chain. The "chain owners" enterprises will take the lead in accurately formulating key industrial chain supply chain cultivation and development plans. The provincial finance department will select several key industrial chains and supply chains for three-year rolling support each year, and the annual support amount for each chain will be determined based on the cultivation plan. [Newwords] Original text of new manufacturing ecosystem: implement the Digital transformation project of industrial clusters, build a new manufacturing ecosystem with the core of "industrial interconnection park+industry platform+specialized new enterprise cluster+industrial digital finance", realize the Digital transformation of 60000 industrial enterprises above the scale, drive 1 million manufacturing enterprises to "go to the cloud and use the cloud", and improve the digital capability of small and medium-sized enterprises. Interpretation: "Industrial Internet is the necessary infrastructure for industrial Digital transformation and high-quality development; industry platform is a new mode of production in the digital economy era; specialized and special new enterprises are the key subjects to enhance the stability and resilience of the industrial chain supply chain and improve the level of industrial development modernization; industrial digital finance is a productive service industry, which is the guarantee for the smooth operation of the ecosystem." Wang Fuqiang, Minister of Regional and Industrial Planning Department of China International Economic Exchange Center, interpreted this way. Building a new manufacturing ecosystem will help Guangdong shape a new manufacturing technology system and industrial model, and improve the core competitiveness of Guangdong's manufacturing industry. Original text: Implement the ten-year doubling plan for the productive service industry. Vigorously develop R&D and design services, modern logistics and supply chain management, digital trade, software and information technology services, and plan to create 100 demonstration zones for the agglomeration of productive service industries, 200 demonstration platforms for productive service industries, and 2000 demonstration enterprises for productive service industries, promoting the extension of productive service industries towards specialization and high-end value chains. Interpretation: Building a strong manufacturing province not only emphasizes the core position of manufacturing in the modern industrial system, but also emphasizes the coordination and integration of manufacturing, agriculture, and service industries, especially the integration of manufacturing and productive service industries. The productive service industry runs through the upstream, midstream, and downstream of enterprise production and operation

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