
Wang Yi Meets with German Prime Minister's Foreign Affairs Advisor Prutner


On May 31st, Wang Yi, a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office, met with German Prime Minister's Foreign Affairs Advisor Prutner in Beijing. Wang Yi said that as a comprehensive strategic partner, China and Germany not only need to stabilize and develop bilateral relations, but also contribute to jointly addressing global challenges. Faced with the current unstable international situation and increasing uncertainties, China and Germany should work together to hold the seventh round of Sino German government consultations and send a positive signal to Europe and the world. Prutner stated that the foundation of Germany China relations is solid, and the German side will continue to firmly adhere to the One China policy. We are full of expectations for the upcoming round of German China government consultations and will work together to accelerate various preparations. (New News Agency)

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