Greater Bay Area

The Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission has issued a simplified reference guide to licensing requirements to help family offices and others settle in Hong Kong


The Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) released a simplified reference guide on licensing requirements on the 22nd, hoping to help family offices, private equity companies, hedge fund managers, and industry professionals from overseas and mainland China gain a deeper understanding of the licensing system of the SFC and guide them to settle in Hong Kong. It is understood that the relevant guide answers frequently asked questions about licensing issues, and provides specific information on licensing exemption conditions for family offices, recognition of overseas industry experience and qualifications, and exemption from examination requirements. Cai Zhonghui, interim director of the Intermediary Department of the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission, said that this simple reference guide series provides useful and important licensing information for potential individual and business license applicants, and will help more family offices and private equity companies to settle in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission pointed out that in the future, it will continue to strive to improve the efficiency and transparency of its control functions. Since the voluntary licensing process was fully digitized in 2022, the average processing time for corporate license applications submitted by private fund management companies has been reduced to about 14 weeks. (Liao Xinshe)

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