
"27" hundred years, encouraging Chinese railway people to continue running


At the intersection of Chang'an Street and Fuxing Road, a building called "Erqi Theater" and a road called "Erqi Theater Road" cross the east and west to connect the north and south. In the southwest of Beijing, by the Yongding River and Lugou Bridge, Beijing Fengtai Station, the largest station in Asia, which has just been put into operation for more than half a year, is crowded with people. The Fuxing train running on the Beijing-Guangzhou high-speed railway shuttles back and forth, and the endless sirens on the Beijing-Guangzhou railway line are still sonorous. The first station of the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway, Changxindian Station and the "27" Memorial Hall, are located on both sides of the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway. A hundred years ago, the noise and bustle of passengers' travel and the deafening impact of steel in the factory were replaced by the leisure old men and children playing in the square in front of the station. One hundred years ago, on February 7, 1923, in this chilly spring season, the world-famous "27th strike" broke out here. "The word 'work' of workers is the sky on the top, the ground on the bottom, and the workers in the middle. The workers are the greatest class." In "The Age of Awakening", Li Dazhao's impassioned expression in the Changxindian factory awakened thousands of workers. This is the starting point of the combination of Marxism and the Chinese workers' movement, and the peak of the first climax of the Chinese workers' movement. Mao Zedong once said that the Chinese workers' movement started from the Changxindian railway factory. Since then, the "red star of the north" has been shining on us. The predecessor of the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway is the Luhan Railway and the Guangdong-Han Railway. In the 23rd year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty (1897), the construction of the Lugou-Han Railway (Lugouqiao, Beijing to Hankou, Hubei) was started. In the 25th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty (1899), the Lugouqiao to Baoding section was completed. After seven years, in 1906, the Baoding-Hankou section was completed, and the 1214-kilometer-long Beijing-Han Railway was open to traffic. Since then, the Beijing-Han Railway has been integrated into the historical development of the Chinese nation. In 1901, Empress Dowager Cixi and members of the royal family, who fled to the west due to the invasion of Beijing by the Allied Forces of the Eight Powers, took the Beijing-Han Railway Special Train for the first time on their way back from Xi'an. Perhaps feeling the convenience brought by the train, Cixi conceived the idea of building the Xinyi Railway (Gaobeidian to Yixian), so that he could take the train to worship the ancestors in the Western Tombs of the Qing Dynasty. Zhan Tianyou, who has just emerged in the construction of the Tianjin – Shanhaiguan Railway, was appointed chief engineer in the face of danger. The construction of the railway is in the middle of winter in the north. Considering the special purpose of the railway, Zhan Tianyou, a newcomer, used the old rails and sleepers borrowed from the railway bureau inside and outside the customs border, adopted construction methods such as reducing the distance between sleepers and laying the tracks upon the completion of the subgrade. On the basis of great cost savings, the construction period of 6 months was shortened to 4 months, and completed his maiden work of building Chinese railway. On April 5, 1903, Cixi and Guangxu took the special train from Yongdingmen, Beijing, to Lianggezhuang via the Beijing-Han Railway and the Xinyi Railway. The whole journey was 120 kilometers and took only more than two hours. Cixi was very satisfied with this train trip to worship the ancestors. While rewarding the relevant personnel, she also rewarded Zhan Tianyou with all the furnishings on the train. So far, the railway, which has been regarded as a monster by the Qing government, began to be accepted by the rulers, and Zhan Tianyou also gained fame. From here

Edit:He Chuanning Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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