
Persistence -- The Third Secret Code of the CPC's Success from the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China


In the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, "persistence" appeared more than 170 times. "Insist on a firm belief in Marxism", "Insist on socialism with Chinese characteristics", "Insist on unchanging principles and will", "Insist on the fundamental purpose of serving the people heart and soul"... The frequently occurring keywords reveal the deep secret of the success of the centennial CPC. Standing at the intersection of the past and the future time and time after time, we lead all Member of the Communist Party of China of China to never forget where we come from and where we go, and keep in mind the fundamental issue of "what is the CPC and what to do". From weak to strong, from near death to prosperity, the reason why the CPC can withstand setbacks and rise again and again, from victory to victory, "in the final analysis, the lofty ideals and revolutionary beliefs in the heart are always firm and persistent, always shining with fiery light". The belief in Marxism is unswerving, and the belief in socialism and communism is firm as a rock. Generation after generation of CPC people have not changed their aspirations in the face of life and death tests, and have not stopped doing things in the face of numerous difficulties and dangers. Through thousands of mountains and rivers, I still have a childlike heart. On October 18, 2017, the eight words "Never forget the original intention, remember the mission" were written into the theme of the 19th National Congress of the CPC. To seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation! From achieving the first centennial goal to planning to comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization, the CPC, with its consistent original mission, has constantly pushed the development of the country, the progress of the nation, and the happiness of the people to new heights. "Let's embark on a new journey, move towards a new goal, and start!" The original aspiration of the Communists has never changed, and the struggle of the Communists will never slacken. On the centennial of the founding of the Party, the CPC issued its third historical resolution in November 2021, which comprehensively summarized the historical experience of the Party's centennial struggle with 10 "insistences" and called on the whole Party to "adhere to it for a long time". Persist, because we hold the truth. "One day, a young man was writing fast at home. His mother shouted outside and said, 'Have you eaten rice dumplings with brown sugar water?' He said:

Edit:He Chuanning Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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