
Microblog: the case of Liu xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, has attracted heated discussion and will launch a "riot prevention mode" with one click


According to the news on January 24, the microblog platform today announced the handling results of the recent family search boy Liu xuezhou incident and its impact on major platforms. Weibo said that protecting minors is the common responsibility of the whole society, and protecting their physical and mental health requires the joint efforts of all parties. According to the reports and complaints of users, the special team for the protection of minors in Weibo community investigated and cleaned up 290 illegal contents that leaked the personal privacy of the parties and provoked contradictions and disputes. At the same time, the community did not find that the parties had reported and complained against other users in the microblog station recently. For Liu xuezhou's experience, Weibo expressed deep regret and regret, and will continue to pay close attention to the trend of the event, and called on the majority of netizens to participate in the topic discussion objectively and rationally, respect the dead and the facts. Weibo also specially reminds you that in case of private letter or comment attack and harassment, users can choose to turn on the privacy protection function according to their own needs. You can also choose to open the "comment firewall", and the system will automatically shield the comments suspected of personal attack and spam harassment. If you encounter a malicious attack on a blog, you can report it through the front desk complaint portal and @ microblog administrator. After verification, the station will deal with it in time. Opening method of privacy protection function: setting - privacy setting module. For the range of people who comment on "my microblog", the range of people who receive private letters is limited, and private letters from people who do not pay attention can be closed. In the next step, Weibo will continue to optimize the entrance of reporting and complaints, speed up the response and disposal speed, improve the privacy protection function, and improve the user experience and satisfaction. Once important clues are found, it will link the public security department and the local government to take action at the first time. In addition, Weibo will launch two new functions for user privacy protection: 1. Turn on the "anti riot mode" with one click. After turning on, the user can isolate the comments and private letter attacks of people who are not concerned within an optional time; 2. When the user receives a large number of abnormal comments, a pop-up window will prompt the user whether to turn on the privacy protection function. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:Li Ling Responsible editor:Chen Jie


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