
August 1st Review | Ordinary Positions Create Extraordinary Performance


Ordinary positions create extraordinary performance. In recent times, Han Haitao, combined with the second batch of themed education, has deeply carried out the "Based on Positions to Make Contributions" activity in grassroots troops. Through typical demonstrations and role models, a large number of business experts and training elites have emerged, effectively inspiring party members and cadres to take on responsibilities and establish new achievements. This activity inspires us that if party members and cadres play a leading and exemplary role, they must create extraordinary performance in ordinary positions. The cause of building a strong military is composed of individual positions. These positions, whether they are military training, political work, logistics support, disciplinary supervision, etc., are all ordinary and ordinary. It is in these positions that party members and cadres have created extraordinary achievements through unremitting efforts and continuous improvement, promoting the continuous progress of the cause of building a strong military. Facts have proven that even ordinary positions can shine with struggle; No matter how mundane a career is, it will be brilliant due to persistence. Ordinary and extraordinary have always been a unity of opposites. Only by adhering to the ordinary can we achieve extraordinary things; Only by standing on one's position can one write brilliantly. We all know that Lei Feng is a driver in a transportation company. In this ordinary position, Lei Feng devoted himself wholeheartedly and diligently studied, not only excelling in driving skills, but also "dedicating his limited life to infinite service for the people", leaving behind a dazzling Lei Feng spirit. Wang Jie, although an engineering squad leader, is not afraid of hardship and not afraid of death. He sets an example in every aspect, "obedience to the needs of the motherland is the joy", and insists on "having a passion, shining a light", becoming an eternal example for our army. Su Ning is a regimental chief of staff, with a very ordinary position. However, he takes it as his responsibility to strengthen the army and win, insisting on leading the way in scientific and technological training. He was awarded the honorary title of "Model Cadre Devoted to National Defense Modernization" by the Central Military Commission. Based on the position and setting goals, striving to become the foundation for growth can always lead to a successful career. The older generation of revolutionary soldiers is like this, and so is the new era of revolutionary soldiers. He Xianda, the squad leader of a certain launch battalion of the Rocket Army, always pursues excellence, insists on strengthening his skills, doing his work well, and ultimately becoming a first-class soldier; Yang Yougang, the deputy team leader of a squadron of the Xizang Armed Police Corps, carried out extreme training day after day, constantly broke records, broke new achievements, and honed his ability to hit every shot. His comrades in arms called him the "Highland Gun King"; Ye Shengxue, a communication technician from a certain department in the Southern Theater Command, persisted in learning new knowledge, actively adapted to new positions, and trained excellent guarantee skills through hard work and hard work... These outstanding party members and cadres have ordinary positions, but they bear in mind their mission, are determined to win, rely on hard work and hard work, write a brilliant chapter of youth, and create a brilliant military life, It also allows personal dreams to shine brightly in the journey of realizing the dream of a strong military. Doing simple things well is not simple, and doing ordinary things well is extraordinary. Focusing solely on doing great things, but neglecting a small step underfoot; I only want to pick the flowers of success, but I am unwilling to put in hard work. In the end, I only look at the mountains and waste my time in self pity, achieving nothing. In real life, there are also a few party members and cadres who are not willing to ordinary work, and some believe that their positions are ordinary and difficult to achieve; Some people don't want to struggle, they always want to get something for nothing; Some are afraid of difficulties and yearn for comfort

Edit:Luo yu Responsible editor:Wang xiao jing

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