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瞭新社报道|凝聚国际合力,闪耀女性荣光 ——多国驻穗总领事馆共同探讨“新时代她力量”


草长莺飞,万物生长。2024年初春,我们迎来了第114个国际劳动妇女节。回首历史长河,无数卓越女性成为社会进步的重要推动者;放眼今朝,她们成为了社会发展中的独特风景线和重要支撑。近日,一场以“女性领导者”为主题的座谈活动在德国驻广州总领事馆举行。德国驻广州总领事馆副总领事卢永岚(Jana Ludwig)、新西兰驻广州总领事馆副总领事周艳红(Kerrianne Joe)、马来西亚驻广州总领事馆领事陈秀玲(Cornelia Chin Siew Ling)、阿根廷驻广州总领事馆商务参赞百里安(Ana Baqueriza)参与了本次活动,共同探讨女性在不同国家的生存现状与在当代社会的个人发展。



来自德国、阿根廷、马来西亚、新西兰(从左至右)四国驻穗总领事馆的女性代表卢永岚(Jana Ludwig)、百里安(Ana Baqueriza)、陈秀玲(Cornelia Chin Siew Ling)、周艳红(Kerrianne Joe)(图/瞭新社)












Pooling International Efforts, Shining the Glory of Women - Consulates General in Guangzhou Jointly Explore "The Power of Women in the New Era" 

As the grass grows and the birds sing, marking the beginning of early spring in 2024, we ushered in the 114th International Women's Day. Looking back at the course of history, countless remarkable women have been significant drivers of social progress. Today, they have become a unique landscape and important pillar in the development of society. Recently, a panel discussion themed "Women in Leading Positions" was held at the Consulate General of Germany in Guangzhou. Deputy Consul General Jana Ludwig from the Consulate General of Germany in Guangzhou, Deputy Consul General Kerrianne Joe from the Consulate General of New Zealand in Guangzhou, Consul Cornelia Chin Siew Ling from the Consulate General of Malaysia in Guangzhou, and Commercial Officer Ana Baqueriza from the Consulate General of Argentina in Guangzhou attended the event, sharing their insights on the current situation of women in their countries and development in contemporary society with the guests. 

Listening to the insights of international female leaders

The era beckons every woman, urging them to bravely take steps forward and chase the light of their dreams. Four female representatives from different countries recounted their initial intentions and experiences in pursuing careers in diplomacy, sincerely sharing their personal growth journeys and offering unique insights on women's issues to the audience.  

Despite the numerous cross-disciplinary challenges and societal stereotypes faced by women on the path to realizing their dreams, each of the four panelists encouraged women to become bold dream chasers through their own experiences and pointed out that women also can challenge different work environments, dare to try new work models, and consciously cultivate an open-minded mindset. 

During the panel discussion, it was observed that falling into the cycle of self-doubt is a common affliction for women, and unconsciously aligning with male standards in attire and behavior is a subconscious tendency for women in the workplace. In response, the panelists suggested that women should always maintain critical thinking, gradually understand and recognize themselves, retain and promote their outstanding qualities, and strive to become who they want to be. While every stage of life inevitably entails difficulties and even failures, women should believe in themselves, bravely move forward, and shine with their unique charm and radiance.

Due to the unique nature of diplomatic work, many diplomats typically work in a new country every 3-4 years. Starting from scratch and facing new environments, languages, and teams is extremely challenging for anyone. Therefore, finding a effective way to reduce stress is particularly important for clearing negative emotions and organizing thoughts. These outstanding female diplomats have discovered through personal experience that facing greater challenges often sparks greater creativity in people. They urge everyone to bravely confront adversity, as the potential of women is always greater than imagined.

During the event, young women and students from different industries and universities bravely shared their challenges in group discussions, actively explored social phenomena, offered personal suggestions, and encouraged each other to grow together. This not only demonstrates everyone's close attention to women's issues but also showcases the resilience of "her" power in the new era. 

Following Inner Voice, Brave Self-Expression

On the day of the event, Deputy Consul General Jana Ludwig also shared her views on international women's issues with reporters from Outlook New Era. She pointed out that women still face many challenges today. Firstly, there is the distress of stereotypes. For instance, successful women are sometimes attributed with possessing certain male traits. She believes that the notion of rigid gender stereotypes is very outdated in today's society. 

Secondly, women still bear the brunt of unpaid household labor, which can lead to inequalities in job opportunities and promotions for women.

At the same time, she also believes that in recent years, there have been remarkable achievements in advancing women's issues internationally. "Nowadays, more and more people are starting to pay attention to these issues, which is progress. And Germany has established a Feminist Foreign Policy with the goal to enable equal participation in political, social and economic life." 

With the progress of social civilization, an increasing number of outstanding women are actively involved in various fields, and the brilliance of female power is being displayed on a larger stage, showcasing its charm and value. Deputy Consul General Jana Ludwig does not believe that there are inherent differences between genders but that every individual is unique, and everyone should cherish and utilize their own characteristics. However, "It is often said that women have a high emotional intelligence. For me, I pay great attention to the team atmosphere and timely encouragement in my work, rather than just focusing on completing tasks. I find this particularly important for leaders."

Speaking of the original intention of organizing this event, Deputy Consul General Jana Ludwig believes that a global perspective is more conducive to understanding the commonalities and differences of women's issues in different regions. "We need as many different perspectives as possible. Today's event invited female leaders from different countries and cultural backgrounds. Through the collision of viewpoints, we can truly discuss women's issues in a targeted manner and advocate for women's rights." She also shared her feelings of working with Chinese female colleagues with reporters from Outlook New Era: "I have encountered many very wise and enthusiastic Chinese women in my work. They always maintain professional integrity and generously share their work and life experiences. They are the epitome of modern women - brave enough to show themselves." Finally, Deputy Consul General Jana Ludwig advised contemporary women not to be limited by established rules and traditional mindsets. "Women should listen to their inner voices. Whether you are a student, a working woman, or a housewife, choose who you want to be and then move forward bravely."

Today, women are breaking stereotypes with their resolute strides and demonstrating dazzling qualities and talents in various fields. With wisdom and courage, they contribute significantly to social development and undertake social responsibilities. The whole society should also unite, listen to women's voices, value women's demands, and safeguard women's rights, creating a good environment for the comprehensive development of women. Every woman should stand on the broad stage of the new era with a more confident posture and a fuller spirit, continuing to shine with the great glory of her power.(瞭新社)

编辑:易春燕    责任编辑:陈欣妍


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