Sharing the Fragrance of Flowing Books Along the Way, Wuhan, Hubei Province has held the "Subway Reading Festival" for 12 consecutive years


At 6 pm in the evening, a primary school student from Wuhan City, Hubei Province went to the customer service center of Jiedaokou Subway Station and took out the "Subway Reading City · Reading Wuhan" chapter book to participate in the activity of reading poems and guessing the station name. "The place where the boat is docked is the Dock Tan Park Station." The staff praised him repeatedly and stamped his seal. This year, we have designed 6 'Good Reading Subway' check-in routes and collaborated with 12 bookstores and libraries along the subway line to invite citizens and passengers to read and check-in, completing a city puzzle; You can also participate in poetry puzzle games and unlock hidden seals Li Dan, Director of the Party and Mass Work Department of Wuhan Metro Operation Co., Ltd., said that this is the 12th consecutive year that Wuhan Metro has held the "Subway Reading Festival". According to statistics, the daily average passenger volume of Wuhan Metro is about 4 million, and the average time per passenger takes the subway is about 35 minutes per day. "We hope to create a strong reading atmosphere, advocate passengers to fully utilize fragmented time, and promote nationwide reading," said Li Dan. In 2013, Wuhan held the first "Subway Reading Festival", which distributed books for free and organized book charity sales within the station, and was well received. "Over the past 12 years, we have continuously extended the connotation of reading and carried out activities such as' book drifting 'and' reading flash '. Li Dan introduced that the concept of this year's book festival is' reading the city', and a series of innovative activities allow citizens and passengers to have interesting reading experiences on their journeys.". "Life is like grass, the place where it breaks through is called hometown" "There are countless stars in the sky, and when they cry, they become shooting stars"... Boarding the Wuhan Metro Line 1 train, many poems written by Wuhan primary and secondary school students were posted inside the carriage, attracting the attention of many passengers. Stepping out of the carriage, the exterior of the train was decorated with pink and yellow bookshelf patterns, indicating the titles of many books. This themed train called "City Bookshelf" passes through multiple city landmarks every day, becoming a unique scenic spot. Since 2018, Wuhan has launched a batch of "Good Reading Subway" themed special trains, with Subway Line 6 as the Youth Special Train, mainly featuring classic texts from Chinese textbooks for the 80s and 90s, accompanied by reading questions, to provide citizens with an immersive reading experience; Line 4 is a time dedicated train, which gathers classic Chinese poetry and words from ancient books in the carriage. Passengers can scan the code to check their pronunciation and meanings. The space inside the station is also unique. In the hall of Wangjiawan Station, the transfer station of Line 3 and Line 4, there is a reading space with an area of over 120 square meters, introducing thousands of books of various types; The reading station in the Huangpu Road station hall of Line 8 has set up a self-service book borrowing area and an audio reading listening area. "The 'library in the subway' has no walls and no reservation is required. Citizens and passengers can borrow it at any time and enjoy the pleasure of reading." Metro staff introduced that currently, out of 300 stations on 12 subway operating lines, 169 24-hour subway self-service libraries have been set up. "Nowadays, the subway is not only a means of transportation, but also a public reading place that everyone can enjoy and an important carrier for showcasing urban culture." Guo Wenya, Secretary of the Party Committee of Wuhan Metro Operation Co., Ltd., said, "In the future, we will continuously innovate reading promotion forms and optimize reading services, making the subway a reading space full of book fragrance." (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:Lubaikang    Responsible editor:Chenze

Source:People's Daily

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