China has established the world's largest real-time earthquake observation network


May 12th is the 16th National Day for Disaster Prevention and Reduction in China. The reporter learned from the first National Earthquake Prevention and Reduction Science Popularization Event held in Ningbo, Zhejiang on the same day that the National Earthquake Intensity Rapid Reporting and Early Warning Project has been completed, and China has built the world's largest real-time earthquake observation network. Ma Qiang, a researcher at the Institute of Engineering Mechanics of the China Earthquake Administration and the chief engineer of the National Earthquake Intensity Rapid Reporting and Early Warning Project, introduced during the event that earthquake early warning can provide several seconds to tens of seconds of escape and emergency response time after an earthquake occurs and before destructive seismic waves arrive. By utilizing the warning time provided by the earthquake warning system, the public can take seismic measures to reduce casualties; Emergency measures can be taken for major infrastructure, lifeline projects, and important living facilities, such as emergency braking of high-speed trains, timely closure of gas pipelines, and shutdown of nuclear reactors, to avoid the occurrence of secondary disasters. To carry out effective earthquake warning, a high-density earthquake observation network, a highly reliable automated processing system, and effective emergency avoidance and response applications are required. To achieve these three points, a low latency communication network and a multi-channel emergency information release system are also required. Ma Qiang revealed that the National Earthquake Intensity Rapid Reporting and Early Warning Project has been completed by the end of 2023 and has formed a commercial operation. This project will enable key areas in China to develop a second level earthquake warning capability and a minute level earthquake intensity rapid reporting capability nationwide. After the completion of the project, relying on television, radio, Internet, new media, information receiving terminals and other release platforms, we will provide different users at all levels of government, the public, primary and secondary schools, industrial enterprises and other users with product information services such as earthquake early warning, earthquake parameter quick report, earthquake intensity quick report, and earthquake motion parameter quick report. Ma Qiang introduced that earthquake warning has limitations, as it does not have disaster reduction significance for all affected areas of earthquakes. Technically, there are warning blind spots; The more severe the damage, the shorter the warning time available in the area. "Earthquake warning is just one of the means to reduce earthquake disasters. To reduce the risk of earthquake disasters, multiple measures need to be taken simultaneously. We need to scientifically understand earthquake disasters, effectively apply warning information, and maximize the disaster reduction benefits of the warning system." Ma Qiang said. (Lai Xin She)

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