President Xi Jinping held talks with Hungarian Prime Minister Orban


The leaders of the two countries announced that they will elevate China Hungary relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership in the new era. The comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Hungary has maintained a high level of development, with deepening political mutual trust between the two countries and fruitful cooperation in various fields, setting a model for building a new type of international relations. This year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Hungary, and the development of China Hungary relations has ushered in new important opportunities. The two countries should continue to be good friends of mutual trust and mutual assistance, as well as good partners for win-win cooperation. Taking the establishment of an all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership in the new era as an opportunity, we will inject new strong impetus into bilateral cooperation and create a better tomorrow for the two peoples. China firmly supports Hungary's development path that is in line with its national conditions, is willing to build political mutual trust with Hungary, strengthen exchanges between the two governments, legislative bodies, and political parties, and continue to firmly support each other's core interests and major concerns. Chinese path to modernization will certainly bring more opportunities to countries all over the world, including Hungary. We welcome Hungary to become a partner on the path of Chinese path to modernization. China is willing to strengthen the docking of the development strategies of the two countries with Hungary, give full play to the role of the China Hungary intergovernmental "the Belt and Road" cooperation committee and other mechanisms, orderly promote cooperation in infrastructure, green energy and other fields, and complete the construction of the Hungarian Cypriot railway on schedule. Actively expanding cooperation in emerging fields such as clean energy and artificial intelligence. Both sides should continue to support language teaching and strengthen cultural exchanges between the two countries. China is willing to strengthen multilateral communication and cooperation with Hungary, advocate for an equal and orderly world multipolarity and inclusive economic globalization, uphold international fairness and justice, promote global governance towards a more just and reasonable direction, and make positive efforts to build a community with a shared future for mankind. We hope that Hungary, as the rotating presidency of the European Union in the second half of this year, will play a positive role in promoting the healthy and stable development of China Europe relations. The cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European countries has strong endogenous momentum, and we hope that Hungary will continue to play an important role in promoting cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European countries to better benefit the people of all countries. I still vividly remember your visit to Hungary 15 years ago, and I am glad that our respective countries and Hungary China relations have made tremendous progress over the past 15 years. The success of Hungary China relations proves that countries of all sizes can respect and cooperate with each other for mutual benefit. Your visit once again demonstrates the profound friendship and enormous potential between Hungary and China, which is of great historical significance for Hungary and Hungary China relations. We announce that we will elevate the positioning of Hungary China relations to an all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership in the new era, pointing out the direction for the future development of Hungary China relations. I am full of confidence in the prospects of Hungary China relations. Orban stated that the Hungarian side will not forget

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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