Liwan District Deepens the Creation of "One District, One Brand" and Promotes the New Enhancement of Integrated Service Capability for Visitors to Guangzhou


On the afternoon of December 20th, under the guidance of the Guangzhou Personnel Service Management Bureau, hosted by the Political and Legal Affairs Committee of the Liwan District Committee, and organized by the Shamian Street Office of the Liwan District, the "Xiguan Ronghui" Integrated Personnel Service Creation Achievement Exhibition was held on Shamian Island. It is understood that Liwan District is deeply promoting the creation of a "one zone, one brand" integrated service brand for personnel coming to Guangzhou, creating the "Xiguan Integration" brand, and promoting the improvement of integrated service level for personnel coming to Guangzhou through point to area and demonstration guidance. "Xiguan Ronghui" and "Six in One" create a new mode of integrated service for tourists to the Pearl River. It is called Shicuizhou in ancient times. It is located in the north of Pearl River White Goose Pond, with a jurisdiction area of 0.3 square kilometers, and a permanent population of 3180, including 657 tourists from Guangzhou. Tens of thousands of Chinese and foreign tourists visit here every day, becoming the "urban reception hall" in the core area of Lingnan Cultural Center. Based on the actual situation in the jurisdiction, Shamian Street has innovatively created the "Xiguan Ronghui" integrated service brand for personnel coming to Guangzhou, relying on the unique advantages of Shamian's historical and cultural district, continuously consolidating the achievements of comprehensive grassroots service governance, and gradually forming a new "six in one" integrated service model for personnel coming to Guangzhou. Six teams, namely, building a strong "grid team" and promoting the red engine of integrated governance; Activate "a convenient service booth", focus on livelihood issues, strengthen the foundation and benefit the people; Expand the "three major service platforms" and innovate long-term mechanisms for integration work; Cultivate a team of butlers to safeguard economic development, livability, and commerce; Establish a "set of inspection mechanisms" to strengthen safety guarantees, improve quality and efficiency; Improve a set of intelligent systems to achieve technological empowerment and intelligent support. Shamian Street is promoting the integration of "Xiguan Integration" services for visitors to Guangzhou, promoting social integration in various aspects such as humanistic care, ideological identification, and psychological acceptance. This helps visitors to live and integrate in Liwan, further enhancing their sense of belonging and happiness. In recent years, Liwan District has focused on mechanism innovation, collaborative linkage, and resource integration to effectively enhance the level of integrated services for personnel coming to Guangzhou, with the development goals of the integration action. One is to focus on mechanism innovation and achieve a sound and perfect integrated service system. Based on the actual situation of the district, we will deepen the reform of the comprehensive grid miniaturization and entity operation of grassroots social governance, fully cover the establishment of a dedicated grid member team, with 1044 dedicated grid members serving as the "main force" for personnel coming to Guangzhou. We will fully leverage the "outpost" role of grid members, extend our service tentacles to the front line of grassroots governance, and promote the early detection, resolution, and timely disposal of conflicts, disputes, and risk hazards, Assist in creating a safe and orderly community environment, effectively enhancing the sense of gain, happiness, and security of visitors to Guangzhou. The second is to focus on collaborative linkage and achieve precise implementation of integrated service policies. Adhere to the principle of facilitating, benefiting, benefiting and serving the people, take the initiative and make precise efforts, strengthen the interpretation and publicity of the credit system policy through WeChat official account push, setting up consultation windows, precise targeted publicity and other forms, strive to expand the awareness of the policy, promote the visitors to Guangzhou to fully understand the credit system policy, timely grasp the system information filling, material uploading and effective application, and coordinate with the departments and streets to timely accept materials

Edit:Li Ling    Responsible editor:Chen Jie

Source:Information Times

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