
Propaganda, ideological and cultural work is related to the future and destiny of the Party, the long-term stability of the country, national cohesion and centripetal force, and is an extremely important task. As an important component of the Party's propaganda, ideological and cultural work, the procuratorial propaganda and cultural work must be highly valued and steadily implemented from a political perspective. On the other hand, we should strengthen and improve the work of procuratorial propaganda and culture, fully leverage the role of procuratorial propaganda and culture in shaping spirit, consolidating strength, cultivating quality, establishing image, and promoting work, consciously shoulder the new cultural mission of promoting cultural prosperity, building a strong cultural country, and building modern civilization of the Chinese nation. In the new era and new journey, propaganda, ideological and cultural work is facing new situations and tasks. The cultural work of procuratorial propaganda must have a new atmosphere and new achievements, and must accurately grasp its own responsibilities and missions. To comprehensively implement the "dual responsibility", it is necessary to first implement it in the high-quality and efficient performance of procuratorial functions, and fully utilize the power of the rule of law to serve the construction of a strong cultural country. To promote Chinese path to modernization, it is urgent to accelerate the construction of a cultural power and promote the common prosperity of people's spiritual life. For example, security is the foundation of development. Currently, the risks in the ideological field are more complex, and political and cultural security face many risks and challenges. All levels of procuratorial organs should conscientiously implement the Opinions on Strengthening the Network Rule of Law Work of Procuratorial Organs in the New Era, make full use of legal weapons, strictly punish political and ideological crimes committed through the use of the Internet in accordance with the law, and resolutely maintain the security of network ideology. For example, historical and cultural heritage carries the genes and bloodline of the Chinese nation, and is an important carrier for inheriting Chinese culture and national spirit. The national procuratorial organs should continue to deepen, implement, and improve the protection of cultural relics and cultural heritage, crack down on and prevent cultural relic crimes in accordance with the law, and strengthen the public interest litigation and prosecution work in the field of cultural relics and cultural heritage protection. For example, the supervision and handling of cases by procuratorial organs is not only to maintain the fairness of individual cases, but also to promote socialist core values and lead the socialist rule of law through the performance of procuratorial duties. This requires all prosecutors to consciously put the socialist core

Edit:Ying Ying    Responsible editor:Shen Chen


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