In 2022, China's total imports and exports with APEC members accounted for 59.7% of China's total imports and exports


The reporter learned from departments such as the Ministry of Commerce that in recent years, China has continuously deepened economic and trade cooperation with 20 other APEC economies, contributing China's strength to the construction of the Asia Pacific economy. In 2022, the total import and export volume between China and APEC members was $3739.08 billion, accounting for 59.7% of China's total import and export volume. Eight of China's top ten trading partners are APEC members, and China is also the largest trading partner among the 13 APEC economies. The APEC economy is an important investment partner of China. In 2022, China's utilization of APEC economies accounted for 86.6% of China's total foreign investment; Among the top ten sources of foreign investment in China, 5 are APEC members. The APEC region is also an important destination for Chinese enterprises to "go global". 73.3% of China's outbound investment flows to the APEC economies, and 5 of China's top 10 outbound direct investment destinations are APEC members. APEC has 15 economies as China's free trade partners, which are a key priority direction for China to implement the strategy of upgrading free trade zones, expand the basic framework of the free trade network, and build a high standard free trade zone network. China has continued to contribute to the development of the Asia Pacific region. In recent years, China has continued to deepen reforms, expand openness, actively integrate into Asia Pacific regional cooperation, promote economic integration in the Asia Pacific region, and continue to contribute to the "China Plan" for Asia Pacific prosperity. Experts say that China has become an important force that can be relied on to promote the development of the Asia Pacific region. For many years, China has been steadfast in upholding the multilateral trading system, promoting regional economic integration, and committed to improving the level of regional trade and investment liberalization and facilitation. It has proposed multiple cooperation initiatives that bring tangible benefits to the people of the region. Under the strong leadership and promotion of China, the 2014 APEC Leaders' Beijing Meeting approved the "APEC Beijing Road Map for Promoting the Asia Pacific Free Trade Area" proposed by China. In the past decade, all parties have made positive progress in tariff, non-tariff measures, services, investment and other fields, and the Asia Pacific Free Trade Area has become the main channel for promoting economic integration in the Asia Pacific region. The "the Belt and Road" international cooperation advocated by China is highly consistent with the connectivity concept promoted by APEC, which dredges the blood channels for regional economic development. At the same time, China's doors are opening wider and wider, various market opening measures are constantly being implemented, the level of foreign investment utilization is constantly improving, and the business environment is continuously optimizing, injecting vitality and momentum into regional economic growth. (CCTV reporter Wu Hao and Zhang Xin from the headquarters)

Edit:Ling Xiaotong    Responsible editor:Li Yi


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