Pilot expansion to support upgrading of intelligent connected vehicles, accelerating development


Recently, cities such as Suzhou, Shanghai, and Wuhan have released documents stating that they will further expand the pilot scope of intelligent connected vehicles and enhance policy support. Industry insiders point out that intelligent connected vehicles are currently in the stage of development and upgrading, and various regions have introduced corresponding support policies for industry pain points such as infrastructure and supporting industry chains, which will help China promote the application of intelligent connected vehicles from multiple perspectives and on a large scale. On October 19th, the open road testing and demonstration application of intelligent connected vehicles in Suzhou city will be launched, and the scope of intelligent connected vehicle road testing and demonstration application will gradually expand to the entire city of Suzhou; On November 7th, the 3rd Intelligent Transportation Shanghai Forum revealed that it will provide a larger range and more scenario testing environments in areas such as Shanghai Jinqiao and Pudong Airport; Wuhan Donghu High tech Zone recently held a press conference and announced that in the next three years, Optics Valley will form a "800+kilometer" open testing road across the entire region... Since 2017, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Transport, the National Standards Commission and other ministries have successively issued documents such as "Management Specification for Intelligent Connected Vehicle Road Testing (Trial)" and "Management Specification for Intelligent Connected Vehicle Road Testing and Demonstration Application (Trial)". Various regions have successively opened designated areas for road testing and demonstration applications. According to data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, more than 20000 kilometers of intelligent connected vehicle testing roads have been opened nationwide. In terms of connected vehicle development, 17 testing demonstration zones, 16 "dual intelligence" pilot cities, and 7 national connected vehicle demonstration zones have completed the intelligent upgrading and renovation of over 7000 kilometers of roads. On this basis, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently announced that it will launch pilot projects for comprehensive electrification of public sector vehicles, intelligent connected vehicle access, and road access. Chu Wenbo, General Manager of the Innovation Center for Intelligent Connected Vehicles in Western Science City, stated in an interview with reporters that intelligent connected vehicles are currently in the process of transitioning from primary mass production to mid to advanced or high-level autonomous driving applications. Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and various regions have launched expanded pilot projects, which is conducive to promoting large-scale deployment and the formation of relevant standards and verification testing capabilities. While the pilot of intelligent connected vehicles continues to expand, several regions such as Suzhou, Chongqing, and Wuhan have recently upgraded their support policies to address some of the pain points in the development of intelligent connected vehicles, ensuring the effectiveness of the pilot implementation from both the "road" and "vehicle" aspects. In the automatic driving section of Wanji Suzhou Intelligent Transportation (ITS), all the information of vehicles and pedestrians coming and going is uploaded in real-time. The intelligent connected vehicles being tested can be "seen" at intersections even a few hundred meters away, and the driving plan should be made in advance, with a delay of no more than 20ms. Vehicle road collaboration is an important foundation for the further development of intelligent connected vehicles, involving the construction of vehicle and roadside infrastructure. Currently, the implementation and development of Suzhou vehicle road collaboration technology has received strong local support. Intelligent transformation of test roads is of great significance for achieving effective collection and transmission of road information, "Jiang Mengdi, assistant general manager of Wanji Technology, told reporters. The reporter learned that Suzhou is actively strengthening the construction of intelligent vehicle networking roads. By 2025, the total length of intelligent vehicle networking road renovation in Suzhou will exceed 1000 kilometers, which will be put into operation

Edit:Ling Xiaotong    Responsible editor:Li Yi


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