People from China and the United States: Looking forward to strengthening cooperation between the two sides in addressing climate change


On October 26th, at a "Great Wall Climate Dialogue" held by Yanqi Lake in Beijing, multiple Chinese and American participants stated that the two sides should strengthen their response to climate change and provide assistance for the development of bilateral relations. This dialogue will be co hosted by the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the California China Climate Change Research Institute in the United States. Minister of Ecology and Environment Huang Runqiu introduced China's efforts to address climate change at the dialogue meeting. He said that China has consistently ranked first in renewable energy investment, installed capacity, and power generation in the world for many years. China's development of clean energy not only promotes its own green and low-carbon development, but also greatly reduces the global cost of renewable energy, making outstanding contributions to promoting the global emission reduction process. The global solar photovoltaic installation cost in 2021 has decreased by approximately 82% compared to 2010, and the wind power installation cost has decreased by 35% to 40%. California Governor Newson, who is currently visiting China, stated that both the United States and China are victims of climate change. If both sides do not cooperate on climate change, the problem will never be resolved. I hope to listen to China's ideas and practices on climate change, and engage in practical cooperation with China to jointly solve problems. This is an important purpose of my trip, "Newson said. Yang Wanming, President of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, said that climate change is a common challenge facing all humanity. Strengthening local cooperation between China and the United States in addressing climate change and promoting green development is not only conducive to promoting their respective green development, benefiting the people of both countries and the world, but also to promoting the healthy and stable development of China US relations. Leaders from provinces (regions) such as Inner Mongolia, Jiangsu, Guangdong, Hainan, and Sichuan introduced specific actions and successful experiences in implementing the concept of green development in local areas in China. They expressed their willingness to work with the California government to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in areas such as clean energy, technological innovation, low-carbon transportation, and green agriculture, injecting vitality into promoting local exchanges between China and the United States and international cooperation in addressing climate change. Wade Crawford, Director of the California Natural Resources Agency, said in a video link that California has set ambitious goals for achieving sustainable development, and the next step will be to ensure their implementation. In the past 30 years, California has significantly improved air quality and plans to use clean energy for all cars by 2035, allowing the United States and China to learn from each other in improving air quality and other aspects. David Hochchild, Chairman of the California Energy Commission, congratulated China on its leading achievements in the new energy industry. He stated that the United States and China share the Pacific sea breeze at both ends of the ocean, which provides inexhaustible power for wind power projects in both regions. He hopes to establish closer cooperation with China in the development of clean energy. (New News Agency)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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